Chapter 6: Run into an enemy

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(Samuru P. O. V.)

After I met with Shin and Sakura,  I ask them to see father. Shin agrees while Sakura just nodded. When we met our father in the lobby of the hotel, my father was so happy to see them. He hugs the four of us. For the first time, I feel happy.

Today we meet again at the stadium for the second day to begin. I heard from Ricky that Shin need only 16 points to move to next round while Sakura and Sora need 25 more points.

I amazed at their skill. How they manage to defeat any player in just one day. I now understand the difference between an elite and a normal b-shot. But I will not lose to them as well. I will also qualify myself to the next round.

I manage to collect 55 points. I only 45 more to move on. I then walk with Dravise to find my next opponent but I feel like something bad is coming. Out of no way, a net is falling on top of me. Luckily, I manage to dodge it thanks to my reflexes skill.

Dravise: That's a close one Samuru

Samuru: Who did that?

A voice: Oh man, I miss.

I turn to see a girl standing. She has green hair and red eyes. She is wearing a blue dress that reaches her knee and white shoes. She holding an eagle b-daman.

Samuru: Who are you?

Girl: The name is Katsura. I am a person who will capture you.

Samuru: Oh really?! How about we have a fight. If you win I will follow you quietly but if I win surrender yourself.

Katsura: That's a fine offer and of course I will accept it.

Both of us then being teleport to the battle arena. Looks like we will playing power push.

Katsura: Are you ready Hawks.

Hawks: Yes my lady

Samuru: We can't lose to them.

Dravise: Right.

Katsura: B-shot!

Samuru: Ready!

Dravise: Aim!!

Hawks: Fire blast.!!

Katsura/ Samuru: Aaaaahhhhhh....
[At other part of the island]

(Ricky P. O. V.)

I starting to have a bad feeling again. I think that someone is following me. Whoever is it, I know that I am in danger so is Samuru.

Just then a net is falling right at me but I dodge it. I then look at my surrounding to see if there's is more of those traps. I then heard the footprint coming at me.

Ricky: Who's there?

A voice: You are sharp as always Kakeru. I knew I should have Katsura to handle you.

I look at the source of the voice to see a tall boy coming at me. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He is wearing a black shirt underneath a long blue jacket with matching pants and boots. He is holding a snake b-daman.

Boy: Long time no sees Kakeru. I see you still playing b-daman as always.

Ricky: Oh, it's you, Mark. I am guessing that you here to capture me right?

Mark: You are right as always. So surrender yourself quietly.

Ricky: As if I will let you do that.

Mark: Then we just to settle this with a crossfire battle.

Both of us then being teleport to the battle arena. We are gonna play break bomber.

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