Chapter 12: The Discussion

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(Normal P. O. V.) 

<Mc Ryu> Okay folks, we have our another four player that will be compete in the top 16. Four more spot left. Which one of the competitors from group 4 that will be make it. Don't miss it.

The screen show the picture of Sakura, Samuru, Bakuga and a girl that they never seen before.
The girl has Pink hair and eyes. She was a hair band that has two tiny crown. Mary on the other hand didn't make into the spot.

Mary: I never thought that there will be a b-shot that has an equal strength as the ten b-elite.

Shin: Well that just mean that there are a lot of powerful b-shot who like to keep a low profile.

Sora: But I never seen her before. Is there anyone ever meet here.

Everyone silent for a while. They trying to recall if they ever meet the girl. But some of them shake their head while other just silent.

Shin: No one..

Touya: Then who is she?

Sakura: I have two possibility. She is either just an ordinary b-shot or..

Sakura: She works with Erin.

Mary: That's could be true.

Sakura: But there's also another possibility that she been send her by other organization that not alliances with GA or the bad guy. It can anything.

Sora: Well at any rate, I hope she is on our side.

Kim Suk: That's reminds me. *looks at Basara, Kamon and Bakuga* Isn't now the time for you guys to tell us when did you guys complete the b-elite program and the one who teach you guys to master it.

Bakuga: Sorry. As we love to tell but we promise to keep a secret. *look at Sakura and then everyone* But if you want to know, how about ask Aiki-san. He was there.

Shin: I rather not knowing anything than asking that guy.

Sakura: Anyway, good luck Ricky. Make sure you win this. I want have a rematch with you.

Ricky: Of course. *start to walk with Novu, Genta and Christina*

While the match is being held. Genusuke come to them with Nishio.

Shin: Father you made.

Sora:( ̄ε  ̄) but you miss our match.

Genusuke: I am sorry. I have a lot of thing to do.

Genusuke walk to Samuru and kneel down to his level.

Genusuke: Samuru, are you all right?

Samuru just silent and stare at the ground. Genusuke pat his head and make him back to reality.

Samuru: *Snapped* Huh? What just you say father?

Genusuke: Are you all right?

Samuru just shake his head and his body start to shake again.

Genusuke: Looks like you are not. How about you follow you grandfather to the VIP room to rest.

Samuru just nod and start to walk with his grandfather. He hold his grandfather hand as they walk out. Genusuke just stare at his son as he stand up. He then look at his other children and their friends.

Genusuke: Can someone tell me the full details of what just happen back then?

Touya: I can

Touya explain again to Genusuke. After he finished explain, Genusuke start to think.

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