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A/N sorry about any mistakes in the last chapter. Writing while watching TV is prolly not the best idea....

Also planning on adding lots of Adventurous Adventures of One Direction references so keep an eye out ;)

- Lexi J xx

"I am never doing that again. Ever! Do you hear me Styles? Never again!" Louis pants. It took him half an hour to clean my vomit up- mainly because he kept whining and complaining the whole time. "Fine. I'll just make Niall clean it up next time." Next time? How many times does he expect me to puke in his car? "You're still gonna pay for this." Louis shows a look of disgust on his face, throwing the wet rag into a nearby bin. "Oh really? How am i going to pay huh?" "hmmmm..." Louis taps his chin, still holding Jeff in his right hand. "TAKE ME TO DISNEYLAND!"

"But Lou-"

"Ah-ah-ah, no buts. You're going to pay. Pay up Curly, pay up!" Louis interrupts.

"Louis we're only in Paris for two more days! And I don't think management will lend us that much money!"

"But Hazzbear...."

"No buts Louis." Harry mocks. It's so entertaining watching them fight. They're like two old ladies at Bingo. Or like an old married couple. At some points it's more of a Tom and Jerry type thing. Who's side am I on you wonder? (Probably not but I'm telling you anyways so shut up and listen) Both. I see Harry's point of view. I would feel horrible if Simon or management had to pay for all of us to go to Disneyland. On the other hand, I really really really really really really really really *minutes later....* really really really want to go to Disneyland! I've only been once but that time doesn't really count. I was only one so I can't remember a single thing from that trip. Plus, this isn't just any Disneyland. This is Disneyland Paris. I bet it's amazing.

"We're going to Disneyland whether you like it or not!!" Louis stomps his Tom covered foot on the ground, pouting his lip like a toddler.

"No we're not!" Harry stomps back.

Ugh. Do I always have to be the peace keeper. "LARRY!" both boys stop, just like they did last time I screamed their "couple" name.

"You could just scream our names separate you know." Harry sighs.

"If you're going to fight like a couple, I'm going to treat you like a couple."

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" both scream in unison.

"Yes. You. Are."

"Hate to break it to you but Larry Stylinson isn't real." Louis snaps. He turns his back away from both of us, mumbling things to Jeff again.

No. No no no. He did not just say that. Lalalalalala, I can't hear you! Larry is real. Larry is real. Larry is real. LARRY IS REAL. I cover my hands over my ears and begin to rock back and forth on the sidewalk. Larry is real. Louis's just off his rocker. He is talking to a rubber duck for potatoes sake.

"Larry is real....." I mumble, continuing to rock back and forth.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks, sitting down next to me. "Just disappointed."

"About the Larry thing? Don't be." He rests his hand on my knee.

"LARRY IS REAL! Don't you dare deny it Harry, there's proof everywhere."

He simply looks at me, a sullen look on his face. "Well?" I shrug.

"What proof?"

"What proof? Let's see, I've seen video- not pictures- video of you two kissing. You don't whisper into people's mouth Harry. You're always hanging on each other, doing things at the same time, telling each other you love them. You glare at the other boys and Kevin when Louis gives them affection. The other boys are close like friends, but you and Louis........there's just something there."

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