Directioners Incognito :)

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A/N Yay! My throat is so sore that i can't talk! Not -.- I promise I won't let you guys down by not uploading. ( I'm such a little camper) And thanks for the 300 reads in 2 days! Y'all are amazing! Now, onto the chapter.

My hands clamp over Harry's eyes, just like he said. My hair rises up above my head right as Harry's hand covers my own eyes. What are those boys up to?! I hear a click of a camera, and the ride suddenly stops. I remove Harry's Hands away from my face, anxious to check up on everyone. Yepp, we sure are a sight. All of our hair was still somewhat up, making us look like the bride of Frankenstein.

I flatten Harry's curls back down then fix my own hair. The bar raises up, and we all gladly leave, now as zombies.

"I can't believe you guys!!!" I shout, causing other visitors to stare. I take another glance at the picture, horrifying!

Everyone besides me, Harry, and Nina was flipping off the camera- with both hands. Niall had the evilest grin on his face, while everyone else appeared to be screaming. Nina's eyes were round as saucers, her brown hair like a cocoon. Me and Harry look like pansies, covering each other's eyes and smiling.

"We are not buying this picture." I pout. "Oh, but we are." Louis says, taking his wallet out of his new pants. I snatch it out of his hand, putting it in the first place I think of.

"Get my wallet out of your bra!!" "I think I'll keep it, thanks Louis." "I don't think he has a problem with getting it for himself. I'd keep an eye on him if I were you." Liam pipes in.

I grab Nina's shoulder bag, clutching it in front of my chest. "Not another step you perverts!" I hear Niall and Zayn's laughter. It's not funny! Ok, it was a little funny now that I think about it.

"If I give you your wallet back do you promise not to buy the picture, AND not to manhandle me?" "*Sigh* Ok little girl, you've got a deal." i shake his hand. "Uno momento." I turn around, quickly grabbing the wallet then handing it back to Louis. He's grinning like a mad man, quickly snatching the wallet from my grasp and slipping it back into his pocket.

"I'm sorry to tell you girls this, but after the show tonight we're leaving London." Me and the girls pout or lips, not wanting to leave this glorious city.

"But.......WE'RE GOING TO PARIS!!" Zayn shouts. Oh yeah, how could we forget that?

2 hours later:

Grace came up with the ingenious idea to disguise as your typical everyday crazed 1D fans for the concert. (For the sake of my head, i so do not need another injury right now) me and Nina made us all shirts- mine said Mrs. Styles on the back with a picture of a cat, and Marry Me Harry on the front.

Nina: Mrs. Horan with tons of 4 leaf clovers on it.

Olivia: Mrs. Payne with a crossed out spoon on the front.

Gracie: Mrs. Tomlinson with a dancing carrot.

Liv and Grace also made us 2 signs.

"Horan the world? Curls! Curls!" and "We Love You Zayn!" - he didnt get a shirt so it was fair. I slide on some red shorts and silver hi-tops and I'm ready to go.

"Oh M Gee, I can't believe we got front row tickets!" Nina says in mock tone. We all laugh, knowing that we've done way cooler stuff in the past week than that. It's funny though, I've always wanted front row tickets to their concert, and now I have them after being Harry's girlfriend for 6 days. Let's pray this isn't a dream.

Soon the arena's packed, screaming teen girls everywhere. I want to laugh, but I know I probably would have done the same. I snatch a glow-stick from Nina's hand, bending it till I hear a crack. A bright orange light appears in my hand, and I throw my arms into the air. "Hey!" Grace her her now bruised eye. Whoops. "Sorry Carrot Queen!" "You know it!" She yells back, shakin her groove thing. Soon we're all laughing and dancing, when the lights dim.

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