chapter 24

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I wandered around my house with my fingers playing with each other. I am bored. Eamon should be here any minute, though. Just as I hoped he'd get here soon, I heard a knock. I flew over to it and grabbed my bag along the way. Eamon stepped out of my way as I sped like a bullet to his car.

"Hello to you too." He said dramatically.

"Oh sorry, hi." I said sheepishly.

"Scared?" he wondered. I shook my head too fast and he gave me a look. 

"FINE! I'm scared!" I said stubbornly. I can't lie to him. I can't, it's too hard. He always figures it out. I crossed my arms tightly as he started driving.

"Don't be, I'll be right beside you, I swear." He said softly. I looked at him surprised that he didn't scoff at me. "But if a zombie comes and you’re not fast enough I will have a tough choice. Either I pick you up and become slower, or get eaten by zombies." He said like it was a very serious matter. I cocked my head and an eyebrow.

"You mean you wouldn't leave me alone and just run?" I wondered. 

"Of course I wouldn't!" he exclaimed seriously.

"I think that's the best compliment I've ever gotten." I said dramatically, wiping a fake tear and pressing my palm on my heart. "I always tell my friends that I'll trip them if they don't run fast enough." I shrug.

"I would run into the trees because zombies can't climb." Eamon said smartly. I nodded, impressed.

"Good plan. I would do that or go into a maze. No brains mean they couldn't find me." I smiled. Soon we come to the large area that had five different 'haunted' houses in it. I also noticed a corn maze. The day was slowly fading from our grasp, the sky turning a canvas of pinks, blues, and deep purples. I saw the others gathered around the counter where you pay and Lila and Thomas walking toward it. Eamon and I headed off to it. We paid and they all talked about where to go first. 

"We should go to Dolly Hill. There's a girl's room in it where the dolls move randomly!" Tyler said.

"No how about Sirius Path? Looks creepy but it says it's not too scary." Tara said. She gets creeped out by anything scary, really. They all nodded and I didn't follow them at first. Eamon took my hand and nodded encouragingly. I smiled tightly and held onto his hand. We walked along to the path, actors trying to freak us out. I kept my head straight up. They don't mess with you if you do that because they think you aren't scared. In reality I was clutching his hand very tightly. I let out a breath as the guy passed.

"Just an actor. They can't even touch you, it's illegal." He assured me. I sighed and nodded. We came to the arch that read the attraction's name. I held on a bit tighter again as we padded slowly through to the winding path before us. It was lined with tall trees and thick bushes. There were a few things supposed to be set up like a crime scene: an 'empty' van, a few boxes scattered, a ton of trash around (placed on purpose or from visitors I couldn't tell), and crime time lining areas. I also noticed red goo dripping from some areas. 

I ducked behind Eamon as we came to a very close in area. I only heard a rustle and I shut my eyes. I heard a few screams and peeked open my eyes. Then I saw Lila and Jasmine jump in front of the guy covered in 'blood', which practically everyone here is wearing like it's a new accessory. He jumps back, surprised and steps quickly back into his bush with a shocked look on his face. The girls burst out laughing. I gulped a bit loudly. Eamon pulled me to his side. 

"It’s fine, Beauty." He whispered gently. I nodded, still scared. I hate feeling scared, I hate feeling vulnerable. I always feel like a real crime could happen here and nobody would think anything of blood around except 'wow that's really realistic.' a few others jumped at us and the girls did the same thing to each. I chuckled soon, and didn't need to tear Eamon's arm off every time they popped out. We came out the other end finally and I let out a breath. Eamon hugged me to his side.

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