Chapter 10

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~~~Whoa. Chapter ten. weird... thanks for reading, love all your support! please tell your friends if you like this, it would mean so much to me! Voldemort hugs and dragonfly swarms, Maura~~~~~~~~~~~


Lila and I left for the carnival at noon thirty after eating a snack. We came to the dimmed carnival and grinned at each other. It was still packed. Even more than yesterday, actually, because it's the second day and more people know. I stepped out into the warm air and smiled as the sun's rays heated me to my core, like drinking a glass of sunshine. Lila came around the car and I kept walking toward her, and then we walked toward the red entrance. People were swarming around the food stands. I was glad that I ate before I came here. Lila seemed to have the same thought.

"Okay, now where would a swarm of hot people be?" she asked herself more than to me. I still shrugged, already tired of this. Lila always went to far with these kinds of things. One time she threatened to stand on a table and ask if anyone wanted to take me out if I didn't go with her. Lila tends to claim attention wherever she goes, and I don't like to be in the spotlight that much. It makes me blush.

"Can we go on a ride first?" I asked tiredly. She nodded, sighing dramatically. I led her to a random rollercoaster and we got on, the line going quickly. We screamed the entire way down. Mine was a laughing scream, hers a horror movie one. We got off and Lila had wind-blown hair from the ride, so I guessed I did too.

"Do we look like movie stars?" she asked, doing the signature slow-motion hair flip and stare. I laughed and copied, only flipping my hair into the wind, making it look dramatic. "That was perfect!" she said loudly, laughing.

"I was born to be a star!" I proclaimed, and then we burst into laughter. We walked around, Lila looking for any guys. I was looking up or to the side, or just anywhere but in front of me because Lila was dragging me. Lila suddenly started to say something and I slammed into something. I heard Lila laughing, but arms were around me. I stood straight, still looking down. "Whoops. Sorry." I said sheepishly, brushing off his shirt lightly. It was a navy blue.

"No problem." He said chuckling lightly. I looked up to see the boy with ebony hair.

"Hey I know you!" I said pointing at him. He smiled in recognition.

"Yeah you're the girl who kicked my butt in the ring toss!" he said pointing back mockingly.

"What's your name anyway?" I asked,

"Patrick. Yours?" he asked back.

"Aurora, nice to know you." I said, shaking his hand. He shook it laughing. "Oh, and this is Lila." I introduced when I glanced at an excited Lila. He shook her hand too.

"Want to walk with us?" Lila jumped in. I sighed inwardly, shutting my eyes in despair as he turned toward her and then quickly opening them again.

"Sure." He agreed happily. For some reason I just didn't really want to be around him. Or any boy for that matter. It just feels wrong or something. Maybe I feel like they might become my new best guy friend or something since Chester's gone. I don't know. We all walked around and played games for a while. Then he had to go. I only glanced at his retreating figure. Lila looked at me excitedly.

"So do you like him?" she questioned. I sighed.

"Not really. I mean he's cute and all, and really nice, but I just don't... I don't know." I shrugged helplessly, confused myself. She sighed loudly and dragged me to a group of boys, or more like she paraded me past them.

"Shake your hips more." She whispered in my ear. I shook my head but she slapped my arm, hard. I grimaced at her. She pushed me a bit to walk past them. I could tell they were from out of town but not Hollywood.

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