Chapter 48: Two Less Lonely People

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"The days go quicker, the nights are colder and my hope is slowly diminishing"- Beth Greene, Chapter 49: Got No Faith, No Hope, No Love


"Jesus Christ," Beth whispered, her father's old bible squeezed firmly in her hands. "I'm sorry for not keeping my faith, for putting it in a man where it doesn't belong. I know that, but he doesn't deserve to die. We have so many kisses to have and so many jokes to share and so much love to make. If praying for his life makes me a bad person, a bad person I am. You've taken the few people that mean the most to me and this is where it ends. I'm no longer a bible girl, I'm no longer an innocent; I'm no longer Elizabeth Greene. Believe it or not, you selfish asshole, but I'm Beth Dixon. Hold me to my word when I say I will bring the wrath of Hell down upon you if you dare steal this boy from me."

Blue eyes dazzling in the darkness, she wiped at her tears. 

"Jesus Christ," she begged. "I'm sorry but I need him. In my whole life, I've never needed someone more in my life than at this moment. You owe me this, you know? Because you've taken Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, Mum, Shawn, Maggie, Glenn, Carol, and the list goes on. I don't need any more loss, not right now. I will march right up to your pearly gates and I will knock them down before you have the chance to take him from me."


Her fingers stroked the guitar, savouring in the way it invited her to play it. If it wasn't for the kindness of Chloe, she wouldn't have anything to distract her from Daryl's life hanging in the balance. 

"I'm alive, but I'm not living..." she sang, wincing at the off-key sound of her voice. She hadn't sung in more than a few months and it was noticeable. The rest of the prison put up with her scratchy singing voice, knowing that it was good therapy for her. She'd even practiced song writing but she'd ran out of paper and tears had been shed, enough, atleast, for Chloe to confiscate her pen and notepad. 

She realised with each day that the group avoided her more each day. Chloe had taken the role of her permanent caretaker and they'd grown quite close. It was nice to have a friend that also acted like an older sister. 

"You just need someone to kiss it all better."

Chloe's occasionally pearls of wisdom left nothing to be desired. She had a great knack for cooking and the dry pea soup she made once a week left a warm feeling in the pit of Beth's belly.

It was the closest thing to comfort she had.

"You and that guitar..." Chloe sighed. "When are you going to get outside? Your father said you were on your school's cross-country team."

"That's done and over," Beth said dryly. "And the guitar helps. I like it."

Chloe shook her head, folding the washing on Daryl's empty bed. "I'm glad it helps but surely there's something else we can do. You need to get outside, smash a couple walker heads. How long has it been since you've had sex?"

Beth's mouth fell open. "Sex?"

"You know... The happy-happy-fun time. The-"

"I got it, Chloe. Anyway, Daryl was never big on sex. We did it once every two months or something ridiculous. Not like I could have sex anyway. Daryl's in a coma-state."

Chloe shrugged. "So Daryl's not like Rick? Man, he has me up almost every night. I'm pretty sure Carl knows what we're up to. That bloody teenager smirks at me every time he sees me leaving Rick's cell early in the morning. Not like we don't see him and Aislynn making out every day. You'd think with that much kissing their lips would fall off or something."

Beth allowed herself to smirk. 

"Bad enough Aislynn came to me asking about condoms. I understand they're sixteen, but damn that kid has his father's sex drive."

"Atleast they're being careful," Beth offered. 

Chloe sighed, "I know. But imagine if Daryl woke up to his little cousin knocked-up by the Sheriff's son."

"Can't imagine that going very well."

"That's because it wouldn't," Chloe muttered. "I have a lot of respect for you. You've lost so much and here you are listening to my boring chatter and offering a few sentences here and there. I like you, Beth. I get so lonely even though I'm surrounding by so many people and being with you for a few hours a day, just doing chores or listening to parts of your singing, I feel a lot better. Thank you."

Beth smiled. "Glad I can do something."

"Trust me, you're doing something. You contribute in your small ways."

Chloe stared down at the laundry, piling some into her arms. "I'm going to let you nap, sweetie. You get some rest. If you're lucky I'll make some more pea soup later."

"Bye, Chloe. Thank you."

Chloe nodded once. "Night, Beth. Sleep well. We'll check on Daryl tomorrow. He's going to be fine."

Even though Chloe said the same thing every time she left, Beth accepted it. She said her thanks and laid down, forcing her eyes shut.

Daryl would be okay; she was sure of it.

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