Chapter 39: A Land Of Truths

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Maggie held the pills shakily in her hand, a bottle of water in the opposite hand. Pushing open the door to quarantine with her foot, she spotted Glenn on the catwalk, sweat pouring from his forehead and his legs hanging over the side.

"Mags," he said surprised, turning to look up at her.

She winced looking at the dry blood coated on his lips and the paleness in his face. "I brought you something to make you feel better," she offered, handing him the painkillers and water. She knew it would look awfully like she had favouritism by only bringing Glenn medicine but he was her soon-to-be husband and more important to her then all the people in quarantine.

"You shouldn't be in here," Glenn warned, clearing his throat and settling the pills on his tongue, taking a long sip of water.

Maggie nodded. "I miss you," she said sadly, sitting down beside him. "The bed's awfully lonely without you, Glenn. I love you."

"I love you too, Mags, but you shouldn't be in here."

"I need to see you," she admitted, smiling at him sympathetically. "I'm so sick [A/N: No pun intended] of not being able to touch you, to hear your voice without it being distorted by glass. How is my father?"

Glenn nodded along as she spoke, taking a few short sips of water to cool his throat from the fever. With a sigh, he turned to her. "I'm going to sleep, go back and look after Nevaeh."

"I love you, Glenn."

After standing painfully, he turned to her and nodded. "Me too, Mags."

Maggie watched him walk along the catwalk before entering a lone cell. With a heavy sigh, she descended the stairs, following the sound of coughing and her father's voice instructed Sasha to lie down and get some rest.

"Dad," she said, finally finding her way to the cell where he was.

Her father turned to look at her, a handkerchief around his mouth that was coated in dirty black blood and small droplets rested upon the wrinkly skin on his face. "Maggie, what are you doing?" he asked, his eyes clouded with concern as he stepped closer to her.

"I came to see Glenn and make sure you were okay," she offered, giving her dad a soft, sad smile as he nodded along.

"Daryl proposed to Beth," she sighed, leaning on the wall across from her father. "She said yes."

Hershel nodded, a grin forming from beneath his beard. "I'm glad. I was hoping she'd find someone like Glenn. How is Beth, by the way?" he asked, wiping at his arms with a rag.

"She's okay. Still pretty happy about the engagement and all," she replied.

Maggie's father nodded again, walking out of the cell while she leapt from the wall and followed, not afraid of losing him as he was old and his legs were not that fast.

When she caught up to him, he stopped walking and glanced at her. "Aislynn," he said.

Maggie just stared, confused. "She needs medical attention," Hershel continued, "Serious medical attention. I've tried my best but she's dehydrated and I'm afraid that her lungs will collapse or fill with blood. I've separated her from everyone else because her fever's a lot worse than theirs but I'm not sure how long she has left."

"Carl..." Maggie sighed. "He's lost his mother we have to keep her alive. I'll talk to Daryl and see what we can do. What do you think we'll need?"

"A respirator, painkillers and an operating light. I don't know where you're going to find any of this but we need this desperately. I'm afraid she won't last the night, Maggie."

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