Chapter 22

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Two weeks later

Rebecca's Pov

The past two weeks went incredible for me. My Aunt and I are always hang out everyday at the workshop and teaching different dances to groups. We won five first place trophies, one second place silver medal and two gold medals these past two weeks. My mom and the ladies almost hang out a lot in our house, usually talking and eating. Today, my aunt said that I should take a break on dancing for a month. I was like what?

"Becca..Im going to the airport with the ladies do you want to come with me?" My mom said as she put on her coat and boots

"Why are you going to the airport?" I raised an eyebrow at her while eating my popcorn on hand

"Didn't you know? Cal, Luke, Michael and Ashton are going home" she gave me a reassured smile. The boys? they're coming back? I thought they still have a month of touring and I told myself to stay away awhile so they can focus on their career and not me.

"Becca, are you still gonna hide from them?" she waved her hands infront of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, and still freak out if Im not with them okay? I'll be in the basement" I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and waved good bye to her.

Yes, I have a room in the basement its pretty cool. I build a room under my house because I know the boys are scared in our basement and I don't want to talk about it. I opened the door and stepped inside the basement aka my new room. My old room upstairs is now empty and full of boxes that mom have in the attic. I laid down on my bed and pulled out my phone out of my pocket to check if the guys tweeted. I still talk to them to keep us still in touch and I really didn't want to ignore them for the rest of my life I can't do that.

"Sydney here we come!"

They're really going home, and gonna be inside my house again to hang out. Sooner or later they'll gonna find out that I was in Sydney the whole time and they were really really been worried sick about me for weeks. Even their fans find out that Im missing and I wear disguises everywhere I go. My mom and her friends are still pretending to the boys that Im still lost in the States and I still didn't came home. Yeah, I dyed my hair red two weeks ago so nobody can suspects me or something. Im just saying aye.

Luke's Pov

Finally, two weeks of shows and interviews we're going back home to have some family time. We're now at the airport in Sydney, waiting for our moms to come and pick us up. They're still fans who welcomed us back home and say hello to us. And Becca isn't still with us, we tried everything just to find her but there was no use. Calum cries sometimes in his sleep, Ashton freaks out whenever Becca tweeted, Michael dyed his hair red and I still me. We saw our moms, pulled up infront of the airport, they got off the mini bus and ran to us just to give us a big hug.

"Mom!" I shouted as I gave her a really really tight hug. I missed her sweet scent and warm hugs so much.

"Lucas, I can't breathe" she said, I pulled away and gave her my biggest smile showing off my piercing

"How's tour? I mean ready to go home?" she gave me another smile before getting my bag to put it inside the bus. Then Becca's mom came towards us four, oh no.

"No still sign of Becca?" she asked us weakly, with her arms crossed over her chest. We slowly shrugged and we gave her a bone crushing hug.

We all got inside of the bus and drove off. We're still on our phones to stay updated for Becca and if she's safe or not. Mom said that there will be a welcome home party at the Tyler's house, but why there? oh yeah they have a big back yard. Claire dropped me and my mom infront of our house, we said thank you then they drove off. I opened the front door and Molly came running towards me almost tackling me backwards.

"I miss you too Molly" I patted her head and got inside the house. I saw my two brothers Ben and Jack giving me a hug and a smile. I went upstairs to my old room and unpacked my suitcases before I went for a nap.

After a few hours, Mom woke me up so we can help Claire to cook food for the party later. I stood up from my bed and took a shower then wore comfortable clothes. I jogged downstairs to meet my mom so we can both walk to the Tyler's house. We got there a few minutes later, we walked around the house to meet the boys and their moms.

"You again!" I joked as I walked towards Cal, Ashton and Michael drinking their sodas.

"How's your house?" Ashton asked as he took a sip of his soda

"Its still a house Ash, it didn't move" I rolled my eyes playfully at him, Michael gave me a soda from the box that's beside him

"You wanna go upstairs, to Becca's room?" Calum asked, we all nodded and ran inside the house heading to Becca's room.

We all got inside her room, and it filled with boxes but her room stayed exactly when we left. Her band posters are still hang up on her walls, her big piano is still in the corner of the room as well as her guitar, her bed is neatly fixed and our pictures us five are still sticked to the headboard of her bed. We all laid on her bed and looked around every inch of her room.

"I miss her so bad" Michael spoke as he wiggle his fingers on air

"We miss her so bad" Ashton corrected. He pulled out his phone and started scrolling again to his timeline

"Did he tweeted yet? or something?" I asked looking at his phone as he went to her profile

"None" he sighed and slipped his phone back to his pocket. He put his large hands under his head and stared at the ceiling.

"What do you think if Becca will never come back?" Michael asked looking at us with worried eyes

"Don't say that Michael!" Ashton whined turning his back to him, saying that he doesn't want this conversation

"Boys are you- oh there you are" Claire opened the door, poking her head a little with a smile on her face

"Hey Mom" we all said in unison not looking at her just the ceiling

"I know that you miss her, I miss her too but I know she's doing what is right" she opened the door widely as she stepped inside the room with her hands on her hips

"How do you know that she's doing is right?" I asked curiously like she's bot even worried about Becca

"I know her more than you boys, and besides she's eighteen she can do whatever she wants" she chuckled sitting at the edge of the bed

"Because she's punk rock" Michael mumbled, he really likes that quote.

"I heard that Michael, now come downstairs food is ready" she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room.

"I kinda hungry now let's go" I stood up from the bed and waited for the boys stand up

"You're always hungry" Calum rolled his eyes at me as he stood up from the bed.

We all walked outside of Becca's room and ran downstairs to meet our moms. There were lots and lots food on the table and my stomach started growling inside of me. I took a seat between Claire and Ashton, and we started eating.

"Excuse me for a minute" Claire said, as she put food on a plate and a soda on her other free hand then walked inside the house. Is she gonna eat her food inside? After a few minutes she came back with no plate or cups on her hand she took a seat again on my side and started eating her own food. Where did the food go?


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