Chapter 10

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We're at Connor's studio, the boys wants a fresh new pictorial of them. We're here at eight in the morning awhile ago and they'll have sound check later in a few hours. I watched them take silly pictures, and formal pictures.

"That's good Lucas" I chuckled. He has his tongue near Michael's ear. Well that's disturbing.

"Come here Becca!" They called me. I sat on a stool, as the boys surrounds me.

"Alright, we'll go in a smile no silly faces Michael" he chuckled

The pictorial went on and on until we stopped at exactly twelve in the afternoon. We decided to have some lunch at Starbucks and after we will go to sound check. Connor came along with, us because the boys really wants more pictures of them. Vain Aussies.

"Hey rehears now!" I shouted. I sat down on the couch again, with my phone in hand.

"Hey Rebecca" Connor sat beside me .

"Hey Connor" I gave him a smile but not meeting his gaze.

"So how's the tour with them?" he asked looking at the pictures

"Its really tiring, they always calls me just to perform with them and it distracting my sleep" I chuckled

"Sounds fun for me" he smirked

"Its oh so fun" I sarcastically said. We stayed there talking, for I don't know two hours? until the boys came inside and taking off their pants, and now they're in their boxers.

"Gee I want to rest" Calum sat beside me and put his head on my shoulder

"Yeah me too" Michael pushed Connor lightly to give him space and he placed his head on my lap.

"I need some sleep and lots of it" Luke groaned as he sat down infront of and putting his back on my legs

"Give some space for me guys!" He placed his arms on both sides of his hips

"Shut up Ashton, we're trying to sleep" Calum put an arm on my shoulder

"Yeah just sit there and sleep" Michael put a hand on my waist

"Or take pictures with Connor" Luke hugged my legs.

"So what am I your pillow?" I retorted, they nodded.

"Where will I place myself so I can hug my pillow too!" Ashton pouted

"Luke, place yourself on my left leg so Ashton can place on the right" I nudged Luke using my feet

"There Ashton, happy now?" I rolled my eyes as he sat near my legs. Now they're fast asleep.

"Connor! take us a picture" I whispered-yelled. I gave him my phone slowly carefully not waking up Calum. He grabbed my phone and took the picture handing me back my phone.

"Rebecca look at this video, I took" he chuckled as he showed my his camera. It was a video of the boys, did awhile ago. I silently laugh causing Calum groaned and snuggled closer to me. I looked at my phone and tweeted the photo with the caption.

'Get these lil Aussies off me!' my expression on the picture was a disgusted-like expression. I tapped tweet and turned off my phone.


I looked at the time and it was already six in the evening. And boys are still sleeping on me. I shake my whole body, making them groan and looked at me

"Its six o'clock, you have an hour to fix everything" I whispered

"We can do it later" Luke groaned and tried to sleep again

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