Chapter 13

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We're now in the arena, and the boys are doing soundcheck now. Im at their dressing room, talking with my mom about last night. Except that Calum gave me a hickey, I made sure that mom won't see it. She will freak out and will fly over here just to make me go home. Something like that.

"Calum and Amanda made out on Michael's bed?" Mom said, half angry half laughing.

"Yeah and we pretend that never happened but the image of them making out is still on my head" I groaned putting my hand on my forehead

"What Amanda looks like now?" she asked. Actually, she's really pretty now.

"Amanda is beautiful, I repeat beautiful" I said, making my mom's eyes popped out. No not literally.

"Well that's a miracle" she chuckled "So you knew that Calum likes you?" she asked

"How did you know that he likes me?" I furrowed my eyes, this is an interesting topic for me.

"He told me eight or nine years ago!" she laughed "I can't believe you haven't noticed it until now"

"Well, I haven't I was totally shocked that he like me though" I laughed with her

"Remember the bouquet of roses that's inside your room when you're sixteen? he's the one who gave it to you, not your crush" she chuckled

"But you said it was from my crush so I kept it" I rolled my eyes playfully at her

"Remember the time that I called you and asked you to give your phone to Calum a couple of days ago?" she asked. The day that they thought I was missing.

"Yeah.. what did you tell him?"

"I told him that he can court you anytime, because I know that he's really in love with you" she smiled at me. I felt my cheeks burned up like a tomato.

"Im going now.. and nice hickey Becca" she winked at me and ended the call. I used my phone as a mirror, to see the hickey. Shit. Im dead. I slouched back to the couch and started scrolling up and down on my phone.

Minutes had passed, the boys came in and lying on the floor like dogs. I ignored them and kept my eyes on the screen of my phone. We sat there silence and snoring, they're sleeping obviously. I took a shot of them, all lying on the floor sleeping and posted the picture on my twitter. Their phones 'binged' inside their pants making them wake up. They pulled out of their phones together, yeah they put their notifications on, my twitter. I stood up very fast but silently and heading towards the door.

"Becca?" they called me, making me turn back

"Yeah?" I weakly smiled at them

"We have something to tell you" they frowned, I closed the door behind me and looked at them.

"What is it?" this is serious talk

"But first" they gave me a big hug, making me interested to what they will gonna say

"Go straight to the point, what is it?" I furrowed my eyes at them.

"Nothing..." Ashton trailed off

"I can sense lying guys" I rolled my eyes at him, they looked at each other then back to me.

"Its because we're going to Washington" Luke smiled. My mouth formed a big smile on my face.

"Oh My God really?" they know that I dream to go to the President's house.

"Yeah after this show, we're going to ride the tour bus and sit there for a few hours-" Calum started but I cutted him off

"Wait..wait we're going to sit there for a few hours? Im gonna die" I chuckled

"But you love rode trips and sitting impatiently like me" Luke grinned at me.

"And Im going to sit with four of my lil birdies" I rolled my eyes playfully, I sat on the couch not breaking our gazes.

"But this little birdies are fun guys" Michael grinned

"Do you have a show to do?" I asked, changing the topic

"Becca.. it will start in two hours!" Ashton answered


After their concert, we packed our bags in their tour bus and drove off. One hour down three hours to go. Michael is at the back of the bus playing video games obviously, Ashton making keek, Calum is sleeping in his bunk, Luke and I are eating.

"Hey Becca.. are you and Calum are together now?" Luke suddenly asked

"What?" I shrugged

"Hmm Friends with benefits?" he pointed at the hickey on my neck

"Its just a bruise! I bumped into a pole" I said, my voice is becoming shaky

"Yeah the pole's name is Calum" he rolled his eyes "Don't play dumb Becca"

"What are we doing in Washington?" I asked, changing the subject

"We're going to Washington to get a flight back to London" he answered

"Why so soon?"

"We're going to the BRIT Awards" he smirked at me


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