Chapter 21

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Ashton's Pov

We're in the bus going to Las Vegas for a show tomorrow night. Today its seven in the morning and we're still not morning people. We're still on our phones to check updates on Becca. I called my mom last night before I go to sleep and told her what happened to Becca then she freaked out but calmed down like Claire. Why are women are like this?

"I gotta go now Mom, bye" I ended the call and got back to scrolling up and down on twitter.

"What did your Mom said?" Michael asked leaning onto my shoulder

"She's like Claire, freaked out and calmed down" I sighed "Why they're not worried about Becca?"

"That's the question" Calum sat beside me putting his legs on my lap

"Are women like this?" I groaned, leaning back against my seat

"Nah..Becca isn't like that, she will freak out the whole time" Luke chuckled, he's right. When Luke lost Molly at the park, then he called Becca for help. She freaked out and ran over to the park as soon as possible just to help Luke to find Molly.

"Where the hell is that girl anyways?" Michael asked and sat up straight

"Maybe she's been kidnap or what" Calum said, ugh he's freaking out again

"Don't think about that shit, you'll make us worry more" Luke punched Calum's arm playfully

"What if it happens to her?" He asked, covering his face with his hands

"Cal, she took karate lessons when we're six don't you remember? she beat your ass that day" Michael chuckled at that memory

"Don't remind me that, that was embarrassing" Calum laughed

"Just think about the positive things, maybe she joined a dance workshop she always loved" I smiled

"Yeah maybe she-" Luke was cutted off because of our phones vibration, that means Becca tweeted

"Dyed my hair red"

"Dyed her hair red" Luke continued chuckling

"Woah red? like Ariana Grande's? damn" Michael smiled to his phone like a total idiot

"Well she really dreamt of getting her hair dyed to red" Calum nodded

"Maybe I should dye my hair too" Michael smirked, this guy dyes his hair like everyday

"You will get bald sooner or later Mikey" Luke rolled his eyes playfully

"Yeah, I can do whatever I want" Michael winked at me, because he's punk rock

"Dreams do come true" I tweeted, then the other boys tweeted

"Like Ariana Grande"

"I want to see! come back"

"That's so damn cool"

"She will not come back, guys" Calum letting out a big sigh before closing his eyes

"Maybe or Maybe not" I sighed and continued scrolling down on my timeline

"Well, she will never hide forever" Calum shot, opening his eyes slowly

"Maybe she's with a friend or a relative" Luke said positively

"Hey Niall dmed us" Michael faced his phone to us, revealing the message.

"I haven't seen you with Becca in awhile" Luke read what it said out loud

"Tell him, she's with a friend" I said, then Michael typed on the small box

"You said, she don't have any friends except you" Michael said, looking at us

"Niall is good" Luke chuckled, "I'll talk to him" he opened his phone and began typing

"Luke, we can see what you're sending him" Calum rolled his eyes at him

"What's wrong about the questions Im sending him?" Luke gave us a confusing look before looking back at his phone

"Am I good looking than Calum? really?" Michael said annoyingly

"Just tell him what happened" I said, he cares about Becca too so he needs to know

"I'll tell him everything" Calum stood up from his seat and walked towards his bunk. Just when he was about to lay down, our phones vibrated making us look at each other.

"Don't tell anyone"

"Okay she's scary" Michael accidentally dropped his phone but landed safely on his lap

"How did she know?" Calum came back to the room and sat beside Luke again

"Because she's scary" Michael repeated

"Don't be a baby Michael geez" I rolled my eyes playfully at him

"Maybe she doesn't want anybody to know that she's missing" I sighed

"Maybe is the best, the more people knows the more people get worried" Luke pointed out

"How many days that were going back home?" Michael asked, changing the subject

"Two weeks more, and we're back in Sydney" Calum smiled at him. We really really want to go home, Touring is stressful yet fun.

"We better get some rest we have show tomorrow" Michael suggested, We all stood up from the couch and walked to our bunks. We all fell asleep, but when my phone vibrated again.

"Goodnight guys"


So my friend is starting a fan fiction of Ashton Irwin its "Imperfections" and she's using my account to do it so yeah.

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