Chapter 15

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Its been two hours, since they left. Im at the living room watching a movie, waiting for them to arrive. There was a knock on the door, I hope its the boys. I opened the door and my smile faded away. It was James Coleman.

"What are you doing here?" I asked angrily

"Paying you a visit, because I know the boys went out" he smirked, I tried to slammed the door but he gotten inside of the house.

"How do you know where the Lads live? and why is the guard let you in" So many questions running around my head!

"The guards are asleep" he walked near me

"Can you get the hell out of here?" I felt the wall against my back, Oh No.

"Nah I missed you, didn't you missed me?" he smirked at me, leaning forward little by little.

I ran to my room and closing the door, I heard footsteps running towards the door slowly opening it. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my jawline down to my collarbone, I started crying and screaming out loud hoping that someone can hear me. He was about to kiss me on the lips when someone barged inside the room, punching him on the floor. I felt strong arms around my waist and hugging me. I looked who were the one are hugging me and it was Louis and Niall.

"Get out of our House before I call the police!" I heard daddy direction shouted. Zayn and Luke dragged him out of the room.

"Are you okay Becca?" I heard Calum asked, he took me into his arms and he slowly touching my hair

"N-no..don't leave me again!" I cried louder

"Is she okay?" Luke ran infront of me, looking at me holding my hand

"We're never gonna leave you again" Ashton rubbed my back in circles

"If that bastard touch you again, I swear Im gonna rip his head off" Michael angrily said

"How did he even got inside the house?" Zayn asked

"The guars was asleep when I walked inside" I said

"You should get some rest, Becca" Niall said, I nodded and crawled to my bed. He was the one who tucked me inside the blankets and left a small kiss on my cheek.

Okay Im alright now!

I heard the door closed, that means the Lads left and we're left alone. I heard furniture dragging, making such noise, I looked at the boys and they were positioning their beds next to mine so we have a large bed. Im stuck in between Luke and Calum, obviously.

"We're never going to leave or hurt you.. Becca" I heard Luke whispered to my ear.


Im at the park with boys, because they're going to buy me ice cream so I can't be depress. They always do this to me whenever I have problems or having my period, friends are a keeper. I have told my mom about what happened to me last night. She told me to stay calm and never leave the boys' side.

"Are you okay now?" Michael asked as I lick my ice cream

"Yeah, after Niall kissed me on the cheek last night" I smiled, making Calum rolled his eyes.

"When he kissed you, the incident last night had gone out of your head?" Ashton chuckled

"Pretty much" I giggled.

We walked around the park, just like we do back in Sydney. I kinda miss Sydney so damn much, but I love going some other places. My mom told me that Luke's, Ashton's, Calum's and Michael's mom will be staying at our house for awhile. They always do that.

"Becca, what are you thinking?" Ashton spoke up making me snapped back to reality

"Just that our moms gonna have a sleep over in my house" I chuckled

"Pssh Girls always do that" Michael rolled his eyes

"Excuse me, I haven't have a sleep over with girls" I rolled my eyes to him

"You don't have girl friends, you have boy friends" Luke smirked, sipping his soda

"Don't say boy friends, Im acting like a slut around you" I laughed

We're back at our room in the 1D House, minding our own business in our own phones. Its so boring. I want to do something. Then it I have an idea, I stood up from my bed and ran to the music room. What? its my favorite place inside the house beside the kitchen ofcourse. Even though I have my own piano, in our room but I want to be alone for awhile. I sat on a stool and turned on the piano. I was about to press the key, when Calum barge in.

Stop doing that!

"Hey Becca" he closed the door behind him and scooted next to me

"Hey Calum" Finally I pressed the keys, making some cute melody I was working on.

"That's pretty good" Calum said

"Thanks I did that when I was twelve or something like that" I grinned at him and he started leaning in, I can feel his hot breathe brushed to my cheeks. I started leaning in, our lips are two inches apart. Then someone barged in again making us jump apart. It was Luke.

"Every time" he mumbled, Calum gave Luke a death glare.

"Oh sorry, did I disturb something?" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows

"N-no" I shrugged, facing back to the piano

"Right, your moms are finding you" he said, I turned off the piano and we headed back to our room.

"Yeah Becca has a hickey from- ohh" Michael was cutted off by the door slamming hard

"Fuck You Michael" then Calum tackled Michael on to the couch

"Calum Manners!" Calum's mom spoke from the laptop

"Sorry Mom.." he trailed off, I sat beside him as he put his arm around me. Luke did the same as he did.

"How's things there?" I asked them

"We're good, but we must be the ones to ask you that" Liz chuckled

"We're still good Mom, but Jet Lag" Luke groaned

"I wanna go back in Sydney!" I whined

"Well you're stuck with that dorks, hun" Mom said

"We're not dorks.." Ashton giggled. We talked and talked until the clock struck eleven o'clock. We all laid on our beds, which is still the exact position like last night. We bid our goodnights and only Michael had fallen asleep. As for Luke, Calum, Ashton and I are on our phones, minding our own businesses again.

"BRIT Awards will be in five days!" Ashton reminded us, because he saw a picture on twitter

"We know.. shut up" Luke joked

I felt my eyelids dropping slowly, I put my phone under my pillow and tucked myself in the blankets, snuggling into my pillow. Just then a strong arm snaked over my waist and pulled me closer to a chest.


Is it Luke or Calum?

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