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New Year's Day

They were all in preparation for their year-end performance like gayo daejun. Hana with her group while Seventeen were all at the venues to prepare for their performance while I was alone at home, watching their performance on television.

I screamed along with the lightstick in my hand, shaking it forward and backwards. Hana came out and I just want to post a picture of her on social media.

I did the countdown alone at home, of course. Without the boys, the dormitory is practically empty and quiet. And Mom is currently in Los Angeles to visit aunt Judy and little Max.

After their performance, there were fireworks outside which could be seen from the dormitory. I took photos of it and really hoped that I could see this with the boys.

I then stood up to clean up the bowl and cup I used then tied the rubbish bag. Before throwing the bag away, I wiped the table. Upon throwing away the rubbish, their vans approached the dormitory.

They were all coming down from the van one by one until they came to greet me. I bowed and smiled,' Good job! Your performance was really great!'

As the rests went up one by one, the last was Joshua.

'Jagi-ya, happy new year!' He ran to embrace me.

'Happy new year!' I tiptoed and cupped his face.

'Well, this is our fourth year together.' He looked up and sighed.

'What's with that sigh? Are you complaining?' I pushed him away playfully and glared at him.

'Well, fourth-year after everything. We've been through storms, happiness and tears. That's a love story, right there!' He pointed and he laughed.

'Well, it's not easy to take care a child like you.'

'Excuse me?' He stared at me as he pulled me towards him. He pressed his lips to mine as we both held each other.

'Well, that's the new year I want.' We pulled away and our foreheads touched.

'You're magazine is coming out tomorrow! I'm so excited!' He laughed as he piggybacks me up to the dormitory.

My arms were around his neck as I rested my head on his shoulder.

'I have the most supportive boyfriend ever.' I laughed.

'Well, my girlfriend is not that bad too.' I playfully hit him.

As we reached the dormitory's door, he put me down and we both went separate ways to shower or to pack things up.


Well, later in the day, I turned to get my phone while sleeping beside Joshua who was sleeping like a baby. My phone was being spammed by my manager, my friends and even notifications from my social media accounts.

Hana :
Congrats on your cover! I got one copy!

Hayeon Unnie :
Congrats on your cover! Your copy of the magazine has already been sent to your house.

I started scrolling through my social media till I realised that there were photos of me being tagged with Tyler, all from the magazine and reposted continuously.

Nice photo! 


I was scrolling through until I felt a pair of warm arms around my waist. 

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