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Since I have one more day left before going back to school and Seventeen has their half-day rest, the rest probably wants to sleep in, so it's Saturday Date with Mr Hong JiSoo.

I woke up in my original room and it just felt like I am actually at home after days.

I washed up and changed into a set of clean clothes before going back to my room to give Hana a call and it went through.

Me: Hello, is this Hana?

Caller: No, you must have gotten the wrong number. 

Me: Sorry.

I constantly checked the Caller ID and I'm definitely sure that it's Hana's phone.

I then swiped through my contact list and gave Mark a call.

Me: Hey, this is MinSeo. Is this Mark?

Mark: Hey, it's Mark. What's up?

Me: I'm trying to get Hana but when I called her, the caller was not her. May I know where she is?

Mark: She actually changed her number and she's actually here in the entertainment. Do you want to swing by? My manager will be there to pick you up at the entrance. 

Me: Okay. I'll be there in twenty minutes.

I then packed up the clothes which I changed out from and took my small sling bag before walking out of the room with my shoes.

'Where are you going?' I heard Joshua who just walked out of the washroom.

'I'm going to SM. I need to see Hana.' I turned after I wore my shoes.

'Bring me there.' He walked closer to me.

'Ani. Stay here and rest, alright?'  I reached up and touch his cheek.

'I want to go. Please.' He hugged me.

'Alright. Alright. Go get changed. Mark's waiting.' I said before pushing him towards his room.

'Mark? What?' He asked as he walked into his room. 

After ten minutes of waiting for him, he came out to wear his shoes with his mask over his mouth and his black hat.

'Let's go.'  I pushed open the door and walked down the stairs with him behind me.

We then walked our way to the subway station which was just a ten minutes walk.

'It's freezing cold. Oh god.'  I held onto his hand which was icy cold. 

'Your hands are so cold.' I looked up at him.

'Didn't you bring your gloves?' I asked him before he gave me that smile which I know that he forgot his gloves.

'Wear this.' I took off one of my gloves and gave it to him. 

'Then we are going to look so weird with just one glove.'

'No one will see it. At least, if anyone is going to think that we look stupid, we will look stupid together.' I laughed it off. 

'At least, I'll look stupid with you.' He held onto my left hand and put it into his pocket while our free hands were covered with gloves.

We then took the subway to COEX then walked to the entrance.

Making sure that no one was looking at us, we met Mark's manager and went into the entertainment.

'Hey, MinSeo and Joshua-hyung.' Mark waved to us as his manager guided us to where he is.

'Hey, Mark. Where's Hana?' I asked.

'She's in dance practice room two. She's alone since today is her group's rest day. Just go out and turn right.' He smiled.

'Thanks, Mark.' I smiled before walking there with Joshua.

'Do you want me to wait outside?' Joshua asked as he took off the glove and kept into his pocket.

'If it's alright with you. I'll be out soon, alright?' I planted a kiss on his cheek and walked into the practice room.

I looked in and I could see that Hana is dancing her feet off. Before I knew, I knocked the door and walked in, closing the door gently behind me.

'Hana-ya.' I called her out.

She could not hear me over the loud music. I then walked towards the computer and pressed the pause button. 

'Hana-ya?' I called her out once more. 

She walked towards the mirror wall and leaned onto it with her hands hugging her legs, without a single word. 

I then grabbed a towel on the chair nearby with a bottle of water then walked towards her. 

'Hana-ya.' I called her out faintly as I sat on the floor, next to her.

No words were coming out but I could hear her crying faintly.

'Hana-ya, I'm here, alright?' I hold onto her hands before helping her up.

'No, MinSeo-ssi! You don't understand. We are no longer the same!' She pushed me away.

'What's wrong?' I touched her arm.

'You don't know, alright? You don't understand how difficult it is to not have your family, by your side. Unlike you, just by a phone call and you get to meet them. Unlike you, I don't even get to see my boyfriend or call him. You say you understand but do you?' 


'Just do me a favour.' 

'Hana, no. Please.' 

'Stop acting like you understand everything.'  

That pain just turned into a mixture of disappointment and anger. 

After a moment of silence, I just turned towards the door and walked towards it, trying hard to not cry.

'MinS-' I shut the door behind me.

'Joshua, let's go.' I walked towards him and pulled him along.

'Why? What's wrong?' He asked as he pulled me towards him and stopped.

'Please, Josh. I just want to get out of here.' I started walking again.

'Alright but you have to tell me what's wrong as soon as we walk out of here. Manager-nim is waiting at the mall's car park. She has to send us to the entertainment.' He informed as he walked in front of me and held my hand as we walked towards the car park.


Afterwards, in the van, I told him what happened in that practice room and I know that he will talk me out of the negative mindset but the pain remains the same. 

Sadly, they have to go to practice which means that I have to sit in the practice, just as usual to watch them practice.

I can say that their new album would be a big hit.


At that point in time, I was still thinking about Hana.

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