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I visited the hospital once again since the doctor wanted to check on me. 

'I've decided to not go through chemotherapy.' 

'Are you sure? You have seventy to eighty percent of surviving. Are you not going to try?' 

'No, doctor. I don't want to. I'm sorry to waste your time. Thank you for your time.' I bowed before leaving the room to go home. 

I was reading my report and realised that I lost five kilograms over three weeks.

I was walking out of the entrance and about to call Hayeon Unnie when someone tapped me. As I turned around, it was the person that I do not expect to see here.


'Ye. Why are you here?' 

'Here to see a friend.' I sneezed after replying. 

'I'll give you a ride. Here. Take my coat. Don't catch a cold.' Before I could react, he put his coat around me and walked me to his car. He was driving towards my father's company building, Sky Co. since I had to get my pictures from their photographer. 

We were talking along the way and laughing while we talked about the past. We were laughing till my nose started bleeding again. 

'Omo. Take this.' He grabbed a tissue with his right hand as he drove with his left.  

'Hang in there. Should I turn this car around and send you home?' 

'No. It's alright. It just the weather.' I smiled, although my head is aching. 

After we reached, Tyler held my arm to walk me to the office, since he was worried and I really needed someone's support. The office door had a sign on it, Lee DongHyun, Chief Operating Officer. He then helped me onto the sofa and put a blanket on me.

He's a model but he's still the step-son of the director. He is practically the next one in line to take over this company of Dad's. He has the right to access the whole company's files. 

'I'll just put the photos here. MinSeo, are you really not going to tell me what's wrong?' He asked when he sat down beside me.

'I'm alright. I promise.' I smiled back but I guess that it just did not work. 

'You got to be kidding. I'm aware that something is off. MinSeo, I'm serious. The headaches? The Nosebleeds. MinSeo, I'm worried and I'm serious!' He held onto her hands as he started to talk in a stern voice.

'I'm alright! Why can't you just believe me?' I yelled and stood up to prove to him but I lost my balance and fell back into his arms. Tyler helped me up and continued,' You do know that I can just bring you to the hospital to do a full check-up now. MinSeo, you have to tell me what's going on. Please.' He put his hands together and pleaded. 

He held my hands again and I pulled myself together and continued,' No. I can't. I'm sorry. Thanks for sending me here and the photos.' I kept the tears in and took my belongings before leaving the room. 

I walked out and accidentally bumped into someone. 'Appa- No. Mr Kim. Good afternoon.' I stammered. 'Mr Kim? Appa. You're my daughter, MinSeo. Not some employee of mine. I can't keep on going like this.' He looked into my eyes.

'You're right.I can't just continue to hide from you. I- Bianhe, Appa.' I bowed before smiling. 

He doesn't have much time left and I really do not wish that the last memory of me to him is me hating him. I can't just let him go like this. 

'I know I haven't been a good father. I want to be a better one for you and I promise that I will. Is it too late to do so? If it's not, can I at least bring you for lunch?' He offered his hand.

'It's not too late. Do not break your promise. I'll trust you one more time. Let's go for lunch.' I accepted his hand before we went down to the basement to get into his car. His chauffeur then drove us to a normal restaurant and sat down to eat and catch up a little. 

He asked about Mingyu and also Joshua. He explained how disappointed he was with himself after realising what he did all these time. He then told me about his illness. 

After lunch, we then sat down in a coffee house to talk before the sun started going down and he sent me home. He even got me flowers on the way, explaining that he knew that I used to love flowers when I was a kid. 

As we reached the dormitory, Mingyu was standing under the shelter, in front of the dormitory building. The car stopped and I thanked Appa before getting off. 'Thank you for the delicious lunch. It was nice to catch up with you, Appa.' I waved before the car drove off. 

Mingyu came to receive me. 'Hey! Dongsaeng!' He receives me with a hug. 

'Oppa!' I smiled as we pulled away.

'Why were you with him?' He put his hands on my shoulders. 

'I can't hide it anymore. Appa is sick! I don't want his last memory of me is me hating him.' I cried without even knowing. I just went up to the dormitory, wiping my tears.

As I opened the door, nobody was at home. I then took a shower before jumping onto my bed. I then took my pillow and reached into my pillowcase to make sure if my envelope was still there. It had the results in it. 

When I reached in, it was not inside anymore. I even took out everything and pouring everything out but nothing was in there. I then stood up from my bed to find it. After an hour of going through my room, I could not find it and anxiety was starting to rise. 

What if they found out? 

I then decided to walk into Joshua's shared bedroom to find.

'Josh!' He was at home. I thought I was the only one with Mingyu. 

He then hugged me before I pulled away. 

'You must be tired. Lay down and rest, alright? You must be tired after a half day practice.' I then walked around the room to find. 

'You need to rest too. Why won't you come and join me?' He patted the space beside him. 

'Gwenchana. I'm not tired. You have to get some rest, alright?' I continued what I was doing. 

'Jagi, what are you looking for?' 

'Nothing.' I smiled before sitting beside him.

He put his hand on my shoulders and held me close to him. 

'Were you looking for this?' He asked as I turned to look at what he was holding. It was the envelope. The envelope which I was finding. 

The results.

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