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My eyes shot opened and I was lying on a bed with Joshua sitting beside me, sleeping and holding onto my hand. I slowly sat up and put my pillows up to a comfortable position. 

'You're up.' He opened his eyes and stretched. 

'I was so worried for you. You weren't even supposed to go to the press conference.' He started nagging and holding onto my hand.

'Where's JiWoon and JiHye?' I asked him as tears started forming in my eyes, no reason why, as I was trying to get off the bed.

'Who's JiHye and JiWoon?' He asked while holding me to stay put on my bed. 

'They are our children. You don't know?' I asked then started realising that they were just part of a dream which I could never fulfil. I lie back down and just felt like I needed to be alone then kept quiet.

'I think you should go. I don't want anyone here now. To see me like this. Please go.' I covered my face with the blanket and pointed to the door.

'You want me to leave?' 

'No. I'm not leaving.' 

'What do you mean you're not leaving? Please just go.' I closed my eyes, trying to stop myself from crying but it did not. Tears still came down like a neverending stream.

'I'm not. I said that we will get through this together.' He sat back down and held my hand. 

I do not deserve him. He deserves so much better. If it was not for me, he could have been out there, having the time of his life and creating more of his own music.

For days, I was hospitalised and check-ups became more and more often. I felt like my days were numbered and my family was not aware of this, not even Seventeen, Mom or Dad. Joshua visited daily but when he's busy, Hayeon Unnie would be the one taking care of me. All my family knew was me travelling overseas for my photoshoot. 

'Can I go out for once? It's really boring to stay in the hospital.' I asked the nurse which was assigned to me.

'I can bring you out to the garden if you would like to.' She offered after she changed the IV drip for me. 

'No thanks. It's alright. I'll just watch some television.' I smiled before she walked out of my hospital ward. 

I switched on the television and it was showing random music videos of different groups which had Pentagon's shine, Seventeen's Clap and Got7's look. 

Can I just say that they look so damn fine? 

I then started to get a little bored and tried to find different ways to sneak out. I was walking around the room and I found the bag which had some of my casual clothes along with my belongings in it. 

Since I am still two hours away from my next check-up, I decided to change into my casual clothes and took some of my belongings before walking out of my ward. Along the way, some of the nurses looked at me and thankfully, they just smiled and walked away. 

Fortunately, I made my way out of the hospital and took a taxi down to Hana's entertainment.

I then called Hana to bring me into the entertainment. 

'Weren't you in Singapore for your photoshoot? It was supposed to last for three weeks.' She asked.

'I was supposed to stay there until next week but they ended the shoot early, so I'm back.' I smiled.

'You look rather pale. Are you alright?' She asked as she put her hand on my right cheek.

'I'm fine.' 

I'm sorry, I had to lie.

I was there at the entertainment for a quite a while until I received a call. It was Joshua. I guess he probably knows that I had escaped from there. 

Joshua: Jagi, where are you?

Me: At the hospital still. Wae?

Joshua: Oh. Are you sure that you are in the hospital? Well, why did I just received a call from the nurse that you're not in your ward and I'm right there now, and you're not on your bed? Where are you?

I just laughed, knowing that I will die when I return there. 

Joshua: I'm coming to fetch you. Where are you?

Me: I'm at SM with Hana. 

Joshua: I'm coming now. You better be there.

The spinning started again. I'm starting to lose my balance then started to lose grip of my phone then once again, I fell but this time, someone was there to prevent me from falling straight on the ground. 

When I opened my eyes, I was back in the ward but there were Hana, Mark with a tall guy and Joshua. I have no clue who the tall guy is and I looked again with my spectacles. It's Johnny from NCT. I must be dreaming. 

'I was so worried.' Joshua hugged me. 

'He brought you here.' Mark pointed to Johnny. 

'Thank you and sorry to trouble you.' I bowed while I held onto Joshua's hand as he sat next to me. 

Moments later, Johnny and Mark had to leave for their schedule while Hana came towards me with dried tears stained on her face. 

'Josh, can I have a moment with Hana alone?' I asked before he nodded and walked out. Hana sat down in front of me and looked at me. 

'I guess you found out about it and everything behind the nosebleeds, right?' 

No response came from her but she just pulled me into an embrace. 

'You could have told me. You're really an idiot, Kim MinSeo. You were supposed to tell me and I could have been there for you when you were in pain. I really hate you.' She cried louder and louder. Looking at her, crying, tears started forming in my eyes too. 

She then laid down beside me, side by side. We were both holding onto each other's hands and I knew that even at the end of the fall, she will and will never stop being my best friend. I told her everything and we both shed tears. 

'I think you need to tell your family about this. It's for the best, MinSeo.' She sat up. 

'I know and I will.' I said. Afterwards, Hana left for her own schedule and the nurse came in to check on me. For the next few hours, Joshua stayed by my side and also fell asleep on the sofa next to me. 

While he was asleep, I grabbed my phone and sent out a text to Eomeoni and Mingyu.


Eomeoni & Oppa, I have to tell you something.

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