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'Oppa.' I sat up slowly and reached out to tap his hand.

'Yes?' He stopped typing and put his computer aside before coming next to me.

'Can you promise me something?'

'What is it?'

'We both know at some point, I'll have to go. It could be today, tomorrow or the day after. You have to promise me-' 

'No, why are you talking about? You will be fine.'

'Just hear me out. I need you to promise me that no matter what, you need to find the happiness that you deserve. Don't let me stop you from what you can pursue. You deserve to be happy, my dear.' I held his face before he held my hand.

'How can I? You're the one I love, truly. You're the reason why I came so far. You're the reason why I wake up every morning.' He was trying to hold his tears but I held his face and my tears just decided to come out. 

'Just promise me this. Will you?' 

'You know I can't do it. Be it, now, tomorrow or even next week, I'm yours and nothing is going to change that. You're the one I love so no matter what, you can push me away but I'll still find my way back to you.'

Right after the change of the IV drip and the morning check-up, it was time to meet Mingyu and Eomeoni.

'Josh, can you bring me out to the garden? Eomeoni is coming with Oppa.' 

Afterwards, he helped me into the wheelchair with the IV drip before pushing it towards the garden. He was carrying his guitar behind him and stopped the wheelchair before sitting down on a bench with his guitar.

'Can you sing for me?' 

He nodded and without saying a word, he started strumming his guitar to make sure that it was in tune before starting to play a song. Just at the beginning of it, I knew what song it was already. Smile Flower by Seventeen. 

'I can smile because we're together

I can cry because it's you

So what can't I do?

Whenever wherever

Even if we're not together, just like always

Our smile flowers bloom

I'll be the spring to your smile' 

Every line of the song moved me. Even at my lowest times, their songs were the reason why I would smile and continue to work harder. 

Joshua was singing while the nurse came with Eomeoni and Mingyu. They were both shocked and sat down in front of us before Eomeoni spoke.

'Are you alright? Was the photo shoot just a lie?' 

'Eomeoni. Oppa. I'm sorry.' 

I told them everything and of course, Eomeoni cried and scolded me for quite some time. They were both really worried and supportive. It really hurts to see them cry. For the next few hours, I got to spend some time with Eomeoni while Oppa and Joshua went to train. 

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