Chapter 9

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Noah pulled out his phone and called his tech man Gary. Gary handled hacking into computers and cameras but worked as a security guard at Boxing 1.0 also.

"Gary...I don't care what time it is I need you!"Noah said as he got in his car. Autumn hop in his truck.They went back to the office building where Summer had gotten jump."Now your tracking my phone right."

"Yes Noah but what is it what's going on?" Gary wanted to know what was so important to wake him up and keep him from snuggling with his wife. Gary went to his computer and looked at Noah's location.

"Long story I'll tell you later. The street that you see that I'm on I need you to hack the cameras put the start time of 11:00pm see what happens from there." Noah looked at the ground a saw her blood and started to get more angry then he already was. Then the person he was looking for step out of the shadows. Seth. "You will see what I'm about to do in the morning, Gary go back to sleep but don't forget my video."

"As you say boss."Gary said and hung up,but now he had him curious. He heard the anger in his voice but this was only the first time that he took it as far of hacking cameras. He only wanted him to track his phone."I guess I'll find out in the morning."

Noah called his mom."Mom get ready to bail me out of jail,"He rolled his sleeves up."because I think im getting arrested."

"Make sure he hits first," Sarabi told him as she sat up in her bed. Joey groaned when she moved from out of his arms."Then it will be self defense."

"Great thinking mom, love you I'll tell you what's going on tomorrow." Noah quickly hung up the phone.

Sarabi sighed. "Lord, what has my son gotten into?" She laid back down but was brought back quickly by Joey.

"Much better,"he mumbled."What was that all about?"

"We might have to listen for the phone to ring,"Sarabi rubbed her forehead."We might have to bail Noah out of jail."

"Well before that happens I want to snuggle with my wife."Joey's grip around her tightened."All we do is pray that he doesn't kill the person he is after."


Noah stared at Seth with a death glare in his eyes. Seth only smirked at Noah and Autumn who stood beside him took off his shirt, socks, and glasses. People from the south took off clothes so they won't get tugged while fighting. He looked like he was from a fighting circle with just his long black pants of he was a black belt.

"I came back to do more damage to her but instead I find you here before me,"Seth shot his eyes at them."This is just perfect."

"Have you ever went to sleep Seth?"Noah asked with a calm pleasant ,deadly, and crazy voice.

"Is that a trick question?"Seth said and suddenly five people stood behind him. Was he the mob or something? Noah thought.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Noah said.

"What is your point?"Seth started to grow tired of talk. He wanted to see more pain.

"Get ready to go into a permanent slumber."Noah started walked to Seth and was going for the jugular.

"Get him." Seth yelled to his crew. Noah kept walking to Seth he had a angry, powerful anger that came off of him. He was driven by fury, love but blinded by fury. Autumn jumped in he handled two men he knocked them out but they had cut him not to deep to get stitches but would leave a scar. Noah had slang the men into each other. He broke noses and legs but the men put up a good fight they left a bruise on Noah's face and had cuts on his had. But he never kept he eye off Seth the whole time. Seth just kept his eyes closed expecting Noah and Autumn to be dead.

It got quiet...too quiet it, it was a deadly silence. Seth opened his eyes to find all five of his men knocked out cold and the one men that was standing was Noah and Autumn.

"Your the bastard who touch my sister," Autumn spoke up. All he saw was Seth and that was all he needed to see to break his face."You really don't know who you fucking with."

Autumn high kicked him in the face and sent him to the ground he was about to continue but Noah stopped him.

"Your hurt you need to get bandaged or something to cover to womb," Noah looked at Autumn's cut."I'll handle Seth, just get back to the hospital and make sure my baby is ok."

Autumn nodded and put on his shirt, shoes and glasses and got in the car he drove home to change clothes before he went back to the hospital. Noah grabbed Seth by his neck and slammed his head in the brick wall. Wasn't hard enough to break his skull but hard. Noah broke Seth's arms. He continued to punch in the face.

"If you EVER lay a finger on my baby, If you ever lay a finger on what's MINE ever again, I will end you pathetic life that you have!"Noah had knocked Seth's teeth out. All Seth could do was scream."Do you understand me?" Noah had knock him unconscious."Great, we have an understanding." Noah walked away he went home and changed clothes and made it back to the hospital before Summer woke up. He fell asleep in one of the chairs in the room he wanted to stay by her side. He had to make a few changes in her life that she might not like.

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