chapter one - The beginning

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Before reading the story I would like to thank Jen and Rachel. Jen for listening to me and all my ideas thank you I know I can be annoying. Rachel for your videos as they gave me so much inspiration. I would also like to thank @ritchmapp for the photo I used and @64outsider for my book cover.

Dylan POV

Beep beep beep "oh' was all I said as I turned over and hit the alarm to turn it off. I had been working so hard for so long to get into shape for this movie after the accident. I wanted to do it so bad as this was the perfect part for me the part of Mitch Rapp from American Assassin but I was still fragile both mentally and physically. I turned over and realised I was alone in the bed which was a new feeling for me but a needed one me and Brit had become stale and had decided enough was enough and had split up but it had only been a couple of weeks and was still raw. I reached over and grabbed my phone it was stupid but after the break up a couple of my friends Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin had got me extremely drunk and together we had decided to get me back on social media but under a different name and with someone else's photo I decided to use my best friend Peter's photo and called myself Stuart I know not original but it was the only name I could think of at the time and it had worked i was making friends ok they didn't know who I was but that was good I could be myself without them knowing and I was enjoyed talking to people as well, well actually just one person who went by the user name of Raven.

Our first conversation went like this:




Hi how r u??


Fine just busy at work and u?


Its Saturday I am lying in and then going shopping


No such luck I am hard at work then going home for a nice bath and get something to eat


Oh that sounds nice . Can I ask u where u live and wat u do?

I had panicked at this and decided enough was enough for one day and had left i hadn't even said goodbye just stopped messaging but I felt bad I had read this girl's account read her posts and ok most of them was her fangirling with her friends mostly about me but about others as well which made me laugh but I had also seen her posts when she was caring towards her followers when they needed it. I also had noticed that she was loyal to her friends and stuck up for them when she needed to and took no prisoners while doing it all in all I thought she was a nice person from what I saw but I had bottled it this time I would be seeing TP and TH later so I would ask their opinion after all they had helped get him into this situation but for now I was getting on with training as my break was up.

The training went fine martial arts was now my thing but I was having to learn it for the movie but I really wanted to get today over with so I could talk with the Tyler's and get my head sorted. I felt a little silly here I was an American internet, TV and movie star and I was getting wound up about a conversation on social media with someone I would never meet and yet I still felt bad. Training ended and I showered, dressed and left. I headed home as that was were I was meeting them but when I got there they weren't there so I checked the time they weren't due for another 2 hours and then I saw my phone flashing I had a message but it was going to have to wait I needed food and a bath and now I had 2 hours to do that in.

I got out of the car and headed into my house it was my first home and should have been mine and Britt's but now it was just mine the dogs were still here they were mine but Brit came and walked them when she wasn't at work and that was fine but we were over no matter what I had made the decision for both of us but she hadn't argued because she knew it was the right thing for us both. Curiosity got the better of me though and I checked my phone the flashing light was blue so it was from my Twitter account.

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