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Okay I have a confession: the ship here may surprise many people since these two people have not popped up in any of my fics before but shhh, it's okay.
I'm also not revealing the ship yet, this is going to be (yet another) ongoing series. I want the mystery/unknown factor the be there. I want there to be surprise. Hopefully I can achieve this the way I want to.
But that's all you guys are getting atm.. 😈


Last night, a strange dream occurred.

Opulence was the prime subject in this dream.

A great wealth would be bestowed upon me, I would become worshipped like a ruler.

A ruler spoiled beyond belief with materialistic items and loyal servants.

A ruler satisfied with all I could possibly have and yet, a ruler plagued with longing.

Because, as it stands, where satisfaction evidently lies, desire is sure to follow.

I became a ruler devoured by loneliness.

All that was needed was a person to call a friend.

In the dream, a traveler came along, cloaked in robes of the roughest linen; these dark materials covering their face and casting a shadow over their being, leaving them unrecognizable to any peering eyes.

The traveler was brought forth to me, for he seemed to be smuggling precious items; he was brought before the court to be tried for his crimes.

I grew rather fond of the traveler in this dream, a traveler without a face.

This traveler and I would meet in private, where they would reveal to me the face behind their cloaked frame.

And yet, I would awaken just before I would get to see them.

And back to the real world for me.


Last night, a familiar dream was brought to me.

Only in this dream, I was a sheriff, running a town out west.

People came from miles to share in the riches the town offered.

Outlying gold was the main attraction, the luxuries of the town came as a bonus.

I became the person in the town people turned to, my goals became  to vanquish all crime that arose.

And then the dream became familiar.

A masked rider soon came to the town, bearing nothing but the horse in which he rode on and the clothes on his back.

Unlike the other visitors to this town, he seemed uninterested in riches and gambling.

This caught my attention.

If he was not here for what the town offered, what brought him?

I interrogated him one day, digging into his secrets.

However, just before he could remove his mask and show me his identity, I woke up.

And I was once again disappointed in missing the identity of my mysterious companion.


Last night, a dream was once again brought to my subconscious.

I stood on the roof of the tallest building in the city, cape flowing through the wind.

I became a hero to this city.

A hero loved by all citizen.

A hero with glory of all kinds brought upon me, to the point of pressure beyond belief.

And so crime came along, and with the crime came him.

A masked villain.

A master of crime.

I became immediately drawn to fighting him: for the sake of the city I called a home, along with thousands of innocent people I was devoted to protecting.

He became my enemy, and through that, my best friend.

For, in retrospect, who is your enemy besides the person you call your closest ally?

And still, I have yet to see his face.

So one day during a battle, a battle which turned skylines into clouds of smoke and brought destruction.

Both of us becoming more and more destroyed as we fought, scratches and bruises covering out flesh, what was quickly becoming more and more exposed.

Towards the climax of the battle, he fell from a great height, plunging into his death.

And just before he hit the ground, I found myself waking.

Waking in a panicked state, covered in sweat and panting, relieved his death was just a dream.

And so I woke up, still confused as to this person's identity and why he has haunted my dreams.


Last night, I was greeted with no dreams.

I was greeted with no sleep, in fact.

Work brought me overtime and didn't let me leave until right around midnight.

As I had never been at my place of work so late before this night, I had yet to meet the night custodian.

However, on my way out of the building this particular night, I passed him.

His back was to me, I could not see his face.

However, that mess of dark curls was familiar to me.

Too familiar.

I immediately recognized him.

My masked companion.

The man from my dreams.

I felt like I was in a dream when I froze in my strides.

My eyes were trained to his back, astonished that this man had been so close to me for so long.

And yet, he was still so far away.

And then he turned, letting me see his face.

He sent me a shy smile, passing by to do his job.

"Hey," I mumbled to him, continuing on out the building.

He nodded in acknowledgment, giving me no second glance.

And yet my heart still soared.

I had finally gotten to see the face of my masked companion.

I finally got to see the man that appeared in my dreams.

The man I was sure I would see again.

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