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I felt like writing a depressing LordJP fic so here's what happened. Prompt I went with was given to me by bloopy-moons and what he gave me is basically the prompt above.
This isn't that great and honestly it's more fast-paced than I wanted it to be but it's still good. I still like it.

And the song is just a song that came on as I was thinking about this prompt earlier and it just made me sad to think about.

If you can wait till I get home
Then I swear to you that we can make this last
If you can wait till I get home
Then I swear come tomorrow
This will all be in our past
And it might be for the best


"JP.." Wade groaned into the phone, irritated at the younger. "You can't keep doing stuff like this. Do you realize how irritating and embarrassing it is getting complaints from the neighbors about something you did whilst I'm out?"

"I didn't do anything Wadey!" JP defended. "They just don't like me!"

Wade sighed. "There has to be a reason they don't like you JP. You're way too reckless."

"I'm not reckless! And stop lecturing me Wade, I don't need it." Wade rubbed his hand down his face in frustration. It was hard to keep from screaming but he had to restrain himself since he was in public.

"Sometimes you do need the lecture, JP. You can be such a child at times, you know that? I'm tired of you never being serious."

"I'm not a child, Wade, I'm 19. And you're not my dad so stop acting like it!" Wade could hear JP's voice rising in the phone. He knew that when JP started yelling like this, it was a defense mechanism to keep himself from crying. If Wade was smart, he would have just apologized but no, he was done with JP's crap.

"No JP, I'm not your dad. I'm your boyfriend but I swear sometimes I feel like your dad. I care about you but you need to stop with this stuff, you need to mature sooner or later. You can't stay a kid forever. That's not how life works." Wade's voice was rising himself. He decided to make his way back to his car so he doesn't draw too much attention to himself.

"I'M NOT A KID! I'm so tired of you treating me like one, Wade! I get that you're almost ten years older than me but that doesn't make me a child!"

"You're a child to me, JP! Don't you understand that? You said it yourself, you're 19, I'm almost ten years older than you. Do you understand how often I feel like a pedophile because I'm with you?"

JP didn't say anything for a minute or two. Wade stayed silent too, realizing his mistake.

"I don't need this." JP's voice was so quiet, Wade almost didn't hear him. But then he spoke up. "I don't need you, Wade. If I make you feel like such a pedophile, then why don't you go find someone your age!"

"Because I love you, JP." Wade responded honestly, irritation still in his voice.

"That's a load of bull-honkey." JP scoffed. Wade was already sitting in his car, starting the engine at this point in the conversation. He would have stayed on the line and argued with JP's accusation but he needed to get going.

"Look, JP. We can discuss this when I get home. I need to start driving."

"Don't even bother coming home, I don't need this shit right now." And with that, the line went dead, causing Wade flinched. JP cussed. Wade knew he had made a mistake at this point. He knew he had to fix this as soon as he could.

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