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Gar feels alone. Pat is there to show him he's not.

I'm supposed to be working on a LordJP but fuck me, I'm taking a million years on it and I was supposed to have it up yesterday but I'm getting serious writer's block with it when I shouldn't because Mak, Jase, and myself have been discussing that prompt for days and we have had so many good ideas for it but I'm working on it and I'll hopefully finish it soon.


Gar felt empty.


Nothing could have stopped the demons from wreaking havoc in his brain.

The demons telling him he's nothing.

That he's worthless.

That he's nothing but a waste of space.



No one deserved to suffer from his presence.

But overall, Gar just felt alone.

He knew he had friends who cared about him. He knew people loved him. He just couldn't understand why. He was nothing special, nothing anyone could get excited over. He was just Gar.

The demons were there constantly, but at times they were so bad that Gar couldn't even talk to people. Those were the times he would just lock himself in his room and just watch other people's videos on YouTube or scroll through twitter or Instagram and just ignore Wade, Patrck, and JP when they would text him and ask why he was late for their recording session. Usually he would respond to them with a quick bullshit excuse to ease their conscience.

But this time was different. This time, he still sent some bullshit excuse. But this time, only two out of the three bought it. Patrck wasn't convinced.

The excuse Gar used was that he got food poisoning and couldn't record due to being practically refined to the bathroom. Wade and JP both sent quick messages back saying "hope you feel better soon!" Patrck never responded over text.

In fact, instead of answering back with a text, Gar's phone started ringing a few minutes later. The man jumped at the sound. He wasn't expecting anyone to call him and he sure as hell didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Gar just let the phone ring and ring until it went to voicemail. He was expecting the person to just hang up. He was expecting them to just assume he was busy and go away.

But no, a few minutes after it stopped ringing, a new voicemail came in and the ringing started up again.

And then two voicemails were there.

And then three.

And then four.

And then the ringing stopped all together.

Gar just assumed the person gave up on trying to reach him, but he was still curious as to who was trying so badly.

One by one, he listened to the voicemails. Gar listened as Patrck's worried voice wafted through the phone. Gar's heart broke as he listened, knowing he didn't deserve his worry, knowing that Patrck would soon give up on him and he would really be alone.

Knowing that Patrck would leave him just like everyone else.

First Voicemail

Hey Gar. I just wanted to check up on you. I'm worried about you. I know the others bought that food poisoning bullshit but I can tell there's something else going on. Please answer, or at least call me back, I'm worried.

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