My Girlfriend's Brother??

751 29 33

"I bought my girlfriend a bunch of roses for Valentine's Day but when I took it to her house, her brother opened the door and now I'm on a date with my girlfriend's brother on Valentine's Day how did this happen? And why am I... enjoying it?"

So for this, Marie is gonna be Gar's sister just for the sake of this prompt. Make sense to everyone? Okay? Okay. Now that that's settled.

So like this is a quick little thing to make up for what I just did. I honestly feel really bad about that and what I'm currently working on is evil as well so here's a little break.
But no, I'll do a few more fluffs before doing the evil one.

I seriously contemplated making this smutty but I have never written smut before so I opted against it but maybe sometime in the future if I feel up to giving it a shot.. I mean, this is a little dirtier than things I've previously written but not much?? Idk..


Patrck Static had been dating Marie for nearly three months now. It was a fine relationship, Patrck was satisfied in it. In fact, he felt like he could really fall for this girl. She was nice and she made him happy and he hoped he did the same for her.

It was Valentine's Day and Patrck decided to surprised Marie with flowers. She wasn't expecting him over, but that's part of the surprise. It's not like anything could go wrong from this gesture.

Patrck pulled up to Marie's apartment building. She lived alone, Patrck had come to find out, and he really hoped he could one day fix that but he also knew that three months wasn't long enough to ask a girl to move in with you.

Patrck knocked on Marie's door. He heard someone murmer 'shit' from the other side before a yell of "Gar, can you get that?"

Gar? Who's Gar? Patrck thought to himself in confusion. Did Marie get a roommate between the last time he was here and now? Why wouldn't she tell him if she did?

The door opened and a guy stood on the other side, smiling awkwardly at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Patrck asked in confusion at the man in the doorway.

"I could ask you the same question." This 'Gar' person said, honestly with more confidence than he expect. He was looking Pat up and down, a somewhat intrigued look on his face.

"I'm Marie's boyfriend." Pat stated blatantly, somewhat suspicion growing in his senses. A disappointed look grew on the guy's face, much to Pat's confusion. "Who are you?"

"I'm her brother." Gar said softly. Pat nearly punched himself. Brother. Of course. She mentioned she had a brother.

"Oh! Of course!" Pat said, honestly relieved that he was just her brother and not someone else entirely. "She's talked about you before, must have slipped my mind." Pat let out an awkward laugh.

The two stood in silence for a moment, only glancing at each other awkwardly every now and then. Pat noticed that Gar's face was tinted a light shade of red. He didn't think it was too hot where they were. In fact, he was kinda cold. He figured that Gar must have been working out or something right before this. Yeah, that had to be it.

Gar cleared his throat suddenly. "Would you like to come in?" He asked, stepping out of the doorway to make room for Pat to enter. The latter obliged gratefully, entering the apartment he had been in so many times before.

It didn't take but another few seconds for Marie to run in the room, throwing on a sweater as she rushed.

"Gar, who was at the doo--" She cut herself off as she noticed Patrck standing there. "Patrck! Hey, I wasn't expecting you." She said in shock. "What are you doing here?"

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