Patrck's Revenge

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Part three to Call Me GAYbe and It's A Date! just because the friendship between Pat and Entoan in these is like really fun to write omg and I think we all knew I had to write that fucking date, let's be real here.

When I came up with the original prompt, I didn't think I'd end up loving it enough to do multiple fucking parts to it omg I can barely actually focus on one thing for a long period of time so this is strange for me.

This is slowly turning from a Par into a Pat/Entoan bromance fic and I don't know how I feel about it but it's great at the same time. XD But then again, this one isn't that great tbh. I like the other two better but it's something at least..


"ENTOAN, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Patrck yelled to his friend as he paced around his room. Gar was going to be picking him up in a fucking hour and he was not ready. He didn't even know what to wear!

It only took a moment for a tired-looking Entoan to walk in. "What do you waaaaannt!?" Entoan groaned, extending the last word for dramatic effect and collapsing on Patrck's bed.

Patrck rolled his eyes at his friend and walked back over to his closet, grabbing the source of the current stress in his life (not including the fact he lives with Entoan of all people).

"Would this be too much for a first date?" The man asked, holding up a full suit and tie like one might wear to a wedding. Entoan snorted at him.

"Waaay too much, Patrck. You need to fucking burn that thing. That should not be allowed to be seen by anyone ever." Entoan jumped up from Pat's bed, suddenly more energetic than he was two minutes ago, and joined his friend at the closet. "So, I take it you're doing that typical first-date thing where you're obsessing over what to wear and trying to make a good impression while you look like a fucking dork in the process?"

"If that's what you call it than sure." Patrck mumbled sarcastically, a small blush reaching his cheeks. "Now shut up and help me!"

Entoan rolled his eyes. "Alright asshole, I'll help you. But you need to go take a shower while I find something. He's gonna be here soon and we don't have time for you to obsess over what to wear like a teenage girl on her way to prom or some shit like that."

Patrck paused, narrowing his gaze at Entoan. "I don't trust you." He stated blantantly.

"I don't blame you but you must trust me to some extent if you asked for my help in the first place." Entoan said.

Patrck stayed quiet for a moment, realizing his friend was right, and hating it all at the same time. Fuck, what did Patrck get himself into?

"Nothing too embarrassing, okay?" Patrck said sternly. "I had a horrible first impression on this guy and I really need to make up for it."

Entoan scoffed. "Says the guy who tried to wear a full suit to a first date."

Patrck threw a pillow at Entoan's head.


Suddenly a knock sounded at the door.

"I'll get it!" Entoan called. Patrck could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Don't you fucking dare, asshole!" Patrck yelled, running out of his room, shirtless, with pants only up to his knees. Patrck pulled on his pants as he ran, hoping to get them all the way up before he opened the door. Unfortunately, he only managed to trip and fall on his face right as Entoan was pulling the door open to reveal a confused looking Garuku who suddenly burst into laughter as soon as he saw Pat the way he was.

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