I'll Join You, Asshole

567 19 73

Sequal to I Love You, Asshole (Alternate Ending).

Well, I did start to edit this at least but like I'm way too anxious to get this posted cuz I've been so excited for this holy shit I can't believe it's finally done! I'm so not sorry for anything that happened here tbh. Enjoy! ♥↓♥


"We are here today on a mission. On a special mission from God to commemorate the beloved and tragically departed life of this young man. This young man who left us too soon.

"For those of you who may not have known Patrck, he was a kind soul. He cared deeply for his friends, his family, his fans, as well as so many other people. Patrck was a capacious part of everyone's lives and he will be dearly missed.

"One of the more voluminous cataclysms of life is the fact that we all must venture from it in the future. We cannot grasp why or how until that time has come for us, and even then, we can't truly fathom the prospect of death because as soon as it's upon us, we are no longer living.

"Young Patrck, a man of merely twenty-six, left on his own free will. The grievances he leaves with us are harrowing, but despite any arbitrary thoughts we wield towards this dearly departed friend, brother, and son; we must learn to view the prospects of his accommodations and come to terms with it. We must continue to love him despite the fact he's gone. His life was valuable and deserves nothing less than our admiration and thanks for blessing us with his short, precious life."


One Month Later


Shawn knocked on the locked bathroom door, barely hearing the crying emitting from the other side.

"Gar, please open the door. You've been in there for hours."

The doorknob rattled as Shawn tried, for the hundredth time, to open the door. Gar ignored it again and again, sinking even further into himself.

"Please Gar, just come out? You don't have to say anything to me, just let me see you." Shawn was begging at this point. Gar barely heard him, all he could hear was the last words he exchanged with Patrck that night. They just replayed over and over in his head. All he could see was the look on Pat's face when he left. If only Gar had seen it them: the sorrow, the longing.

The love.

Patrck truly loved Gar.

But now it's too late.

And that's what made everything so much more painful.

Shawn sighed from outside the bathroom door but Gar barely heard it. The noise in his head kept blaring louder and louder and he wasn't quite sure if he wanted it to stop. That noise was Patrck, and Gar was barely functioning without him. The noise was all he had left.

"Babe..." Shawn started again from outside. He could feel his heart breaking more for his boyfriend the longer he was ignored. "I don't know if you can hear me or not but if you can: I just want you to know that I love you. I can't stand seeing you like this, it's like you died right along with him and I miss you. The old you. Before everything happened. So please come out. Please let me help you."

Shawn was right: Gar didn't hear him. At least, not at first. It wasn't until a few hours later that the words Shawn said hit him like a train and he left the bathroom in search of his boyfriend.

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