I Love You, Asshole

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In which Pat hates Gar but Gar loves Pat and shit ensues.


"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, ASSHOLE!" And with those words, the entire call went quiet. Gar froze where he was. He didn't mean to say that. Fuck, he really didn't mean to.

The Fruit Loops were recording an episode of Golf With Friends at that moment. It started out okay, with Pat ignoring Gar as usual and JP screaming nonsense and Wade regretting being friends with them. Gar really didn't mean to snap and say that. He knew Pat's feelings for him didn't even reach that of acquaintances. Gar had no idea what he did to make the other hate him so much but it hurt like hell knowing his feeling were not only unrequited but that the man he loved hated his guts and he didn't know why.


"No, Wade! Stay out of this! You too, JP." Pat snapped, voice filling with rage. Gar's heart was beating painfully in his chest as he waited for Pat to continue. He wanted to just disappear but he knew he couldn't.

"Pat, I--"

"No, you don't get to speak either, Gar." Pat snapped irritably. "You don't GET to say anything to me right now. What you can do is fuck off. I have dealt with your bullshit for a lot longer than I ever wanted to. Let me make this clear for you. I don't like you. I never have and I NEVER WILL."

"PATRCK!" Wade snapped in disbelief. JP stayed quiet through it all, probably shocked out of his wits. Gar felt his heart break painfully in his chest. He had to just get out of there.

"No Wade, it's okay. I get it." Gar cut in. "I'll just go." His eyes were stinging with tears. The last thing he wanted was for Pat to hear him cry.

"No Gar, wai--"

Gar had already disconnected.

Gar dragged himself away from his recording set up, feeling numb. Why did he have to fall for the biggest douche he knew? Pat's words kept ringing in his head as he collapsed on his couch. He didn't even TRY to let him down gently. It was brutal, but Gar still loved him. What's wrong with him?

Gar buried his head in his hands, tears beginning to fall. He knew it was going to happen eventually, so why was he so upset?

Not too long later, Gar's phone went off in his pocket. It was probably Wade or JP checking up on him. He didn't feel like talking to either of them, he just wanted to lay there and feel sorry for himself. He ignored ring after ring until he just fell asleep where he was, hugging a pillow to his chest, tears staining his cheeks.


A week later, Gar had barely moved from the couch, only standing to go to the bathroom or to take care of Dante. He hadn't even checked his phone, he hadn't felt up to it.

During that week, Gar just felt dead to the world. He couldn't get his head off of what happened with Pat. He was hurting, but he rarely cried over it. He just laid there, either watching TV or sleeping. He didn't talk to anyone.

A week after the incident took place, Gar was awoken by a knock on his door and Dante bOrking at it in response. Gar groaned.

"GO AWAY!" The distressed man screamed at the unwanted visiter outside his door. He cringed at his own voice, realising it sounded dry and shakey.

"Gar? Let us in!" Gar was able to recognize the voice as Wade's. How was he outside his door? And who was 'us'?

With that curiousity blinding him, Gar slowly stumbled off the couch and dragged himself over to the door, knowing he looked a mess. On the other side, a Wade, Molly, and JP who literally flew all the way to California just to check on Gar stood worriedly.

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