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Part 4 of the Call Me GAYbe series I'm apparently doing that's centers around Entoan more than Par. And there may be a ship I have not written about yet introduced. ;-)

Happy birthday Entoan, you loveable little adorable bean pole you. ♥↓♥

I meant to post this a lot earlier today but hey, I'm not the King of Procrastination for nothing. I'm so late though and this is more a late birthday thing at this point even though it's still his birthday for the next 25 or so minutes technically.

So happy birthday Entoan. ♥♥♥


"Patrck!" Entoan exclaimed, waltzing rather suddenly into Pat's room, causing him to jump. The latter was laying on his bed, casually scrolling through Twitter when this happen.

"Entoan!" Pat exclaimed back once he gained his composure. He was used to this stuff by now but this was rather stranger since Entoan has not talked to him for a week. Ever since he and Gar had gotten back at Entoan by fucking really loudly when he was trying to sleep, he had been ignoring both of their existences completely.

Entoan flopped on Pat's bed, looking up at him. "I know I'm not talking to you right now but I met someone and I need your help." Pat smirked down at Entoan. "And NO, you may not tease me about it."

Pat rolled his eyes at him.

"Just talk to her. I'm sure you can win her over with your undeniable charm and witt." Pat teased, patting Entoan's head like he would a dog.

"You're bad at not teasing." Entoan pouted.

"I learn from the best." Patrck smirked.

Entoan grabbed a pillow and smacked Patrck with it. "Stop being a dick and help me."

Patrck laughed. "Man, you must really like this girl. Who is she anyways?"

Entoan blushed slightly. "Honestly I don't know yet."

Patrck raised his eyebrow at his friend, suddenly intrigued.

"Well, how did you meet?"

Entoan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Technically we haven't yet."

"Well then how am I supposed to help you if you know nothing about her?" Patrck exclaimed incredulously.

"Hey, I do know something about her. I know that "she" is actually a dude." Entoan may or may not have muttered that last part quietly.

"Ooh," Patrck cooed with a smirk. "Alpha-Male, Lady Snatching, Bad Boy Entoan is actually just as gay as his best friend. Well, how sweet."

Entoan smacked Patrck a few more times with the pillow.

"First of all: no one calls me any of that. Ever. Maybe in college but no, not at all. Second of all: if you don't help me, I'll tell Gar you fucked me like a slut last night."

Pat's face fell almost immediately, a glare replacing the smirk. "You wouldn't."

"Do you really want to find out?" Entoan teased, finally getting to be the one to smirk at Pat in this situation.

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