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So part 2 of the Hogwarts au. This one will just be the conversation between Pat and Gar after the detention (maybe a week or so after) so what's above is only filled out by those two. I have many ideas for this au so there will probably be a ton of parts. The next one I do for this will probably be LordJP777 focused so I will have those two fill this out on that one.

I plan to do these at the beginning of every part of the HP plot so if anyone wants to come up with some questions for them to answer and turn it into this kind of thing, I won't complain cuz I kinda bullshitted this one to get something down. Just send it to me and I'll use them.

(Unedited because I'm lazy af.)


Name: Garuku Bluemoon
Age: 15
House: Ravenclaw
Blood-Status: Half-blood, but I tend to identify more with the muggle side of my family since my mother, whom was the witch of the family, abandoned us when I was young.
Sexuality: Pansexual. And no, that does not mean I screw pans.
Favourite Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts, I find it interesting to study.
Favourite Professor: Professor Sprout. I'm not too keen on Herbology nor am I Hufflepuff but she is like the mother I never had to me.
How do you feel about the other houses? Well, I would say this: Gryffindors are too arrogant for my taste (or at least, the ones I've met.) I try to avoid conversing with them if I can help it because the pride in that house is not something I can tolerate too long. The Hufflepuffs, for the most part, are some of the most misjudged witches and wizards I have met. They're so friendly and kind but they're mostly too shy to really associate with anyone. I try to reach out to them best I can, with help from Professor Sprout, of course. Slytherins are the same as they always have been: malicious, cunning, and even more arrogant than the Gryffindors. But I will say the house intrigues me greatly. Being a half-blood, I would never be accepted among them but that only heightens my curiosity.
How do you feel about YOUR house's stereotypes? I can't really complain too hard about being characterized by intelligence in this house. I try my best in school, but the stereotype that Ravenclaws are all geniuses who need to barely try to succeed, yet still enjoy studying for the fun of it is not something I would like to be associate with too much. I don't enjoy studying or doing work. I do it because I have to and that's that.


Name: Patrck Static
Age: 15
House: Slytherin
Blood-Status: Well, I'm in Slytherin so obviously I'm a Pure-Blood. If I was anything less I would be a different house.
Sexuality: What kind of question even is this?? No one needs to know this! And I'm straight, just so you know! Completely straight. There is no part about me that is even the slightest bit...cynical like that. It's completely unnatural!
Favourite Subject: I'm rather keen on Herbology in all honesty. I know most Slytherins find it stupid but I find it interesting. One more reason for my house to hate me, I guess.
Favourite Professor: I think Professor Flitwick. He's friends with my father so he has ties to my family. He also was the only person to treat me with any form of decency up here, no matter what kind of trouble I get myself into.
How do you feel about the other houses? I refuse to answer this. All I know about them is the ways my housemates speak about them and the general stereotypes. I don't know anyone from other houses. Or at least, no one I've ever been able to actually talk to..
How do you feel about YOUR houses stereotypes? I would rather not start on this. They're all so stupid. I don't identify with any of them. It was a mistake putting me in here. Yeah, okay, I'm not a nice person but most of that is for reputation. Reputation and blood-status is everything in Slytherin. People don't realize the expectations placed on you as soon as you're sorted into Slytherin. If you don't have the right last name or mentality, you're banished. My first night in the castle first year, I accidentally let slip that I didn't understand the discrimination of muggle-borns and they locked me out of the dorms for a week, I was forced to sleep in the freezing corridors. If Flitwick hadn't found me the second night and brought me with to sleep in his quarters until they lightened up, I would have been really screwed. Since then I kind of played the part, forcing myself to think like them and to live up to their intensity. I hate it but I have being scrutinized and banished even more.

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