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(N/A hey guys so I merged the first couple chapters into one as ppl were saying that it all dragged through 4/5 chapters :p anyways hope you enjoy my first fanfic on this website xox ~Lauren )

*Thalia pov *
I sat staring up at the wall, lying in my bed, as I do most days. Waiting and waiting for my mum to come home.
I swear she's never here like I'm here all the time. I might as well entertain myself.
I set my camera on the tripod and sit in front of it with my guitar, my only escape, me and my music are bonded together tighter than glue.

I love my guitar it's like my closets friend, always there when I need it And never leaves me or stabs me in the back.

"Hey guys it's Thalia, today I'm going to do a cover of the climb by Miley Cyrus, so here goes "

I play the song pouring my heart and soul into every word, never wanting this to end but like all good things it finished.

"Thank you guys so much for watching see you next time, peace, " I say as I cover the screen with my guitar and hit the pause button.

Another thing you should know about me is I don't show my face on these covers I don't want to be treated any differently, most people already hate me, I don't want it to get any worse.

I uploaded the video to my laptop then to Instagram and YouTube. I have a few thousand followers and fans and they are all so so sweet but then obviously I have the hater's which always seem to outnumber the supporters. But hey I just got to keep going.

I go back to lying on my bed and suddenly I get the creative wave to my brain that hit me like a brick and I ran to my desk and whipped out my pad and pen started to write, this has happened a few times in the past but none ever actually hears my original songs I keep them private for me and myself only.

I've always dreamed of being a singer, like a famous one or a model but like, I mean look at me I'm ugly none likes me, and I get so much hate from so many people I just don't know.

My mum believes I can become a model but I seriously don't think I ever will. But I guess that's what mums are meant to do, isn't it? Make you believe in yourself, make you happy and oblivious to all the haters out there.

I hear my mum's car pull up on the driveway and quickly throw my book into the draw and go downstairs to greet her at the door

"Hey mum " I sat engulfing her in a huge hug

"Hey hun " she hugs me back "how was your day "

"Same old, same old " I sigh

"Oh well, " she says rubbing my arm "it's gonna get better, I promise "

I nod and help her carry the bags into the kitchen. With a smile.

I start to cook tea when I look up and the calendar and realise TOMORROW IS MY 17TH BIRTHDAY !!!!

——-time skip ——-

Today is finally the day I turn 17 !!
Today is the day I've been waiting for all my life.
The truth is I don't really know why.
I just like the idea of not being seen as a little kid anymore.
I sit up and get out of bed within the space of a few minutes and head off downstairs with a huge smile set on my face.

As I enter the kitchen I see a small box with red wrapping and a golden bow and a card with a small note on top that reads

            I love you, my precious angel.
            Happy birthday!!
I'll see you later as soon as I'm done with work at 7 pm I so so sorry that I had to work I promise I'll make it up to you
              Love always
                   Mum <3

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