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Death chuckles softly "I'm not crying you're crying!" He grins and transports to the next level.

Alek chuckles, using Death's own words. "I won't say anything." Alek looks around. "What's this one?"

"Oh boy... this is the funniest one to watch..." he chuckles "Glutttony." He snaps and disappears. The moment he does there is a pig sounding slop behind him, sitting at a banquet table and stuffing his face. Servants bring more and more food, and he doesn't stop eating. Alek frowns, disgusted. "Oh heavens... Gluttony."

The disgusting human continues to stuff his face, the servants just bringing more and more food.

Alek looks around. "The end of Gluttony, moderation and restraint..." Alek moves over to the table. "Sir, pace yourself..." he looks at the servants. "ENOUGH!" He shouts.

They all stop but the man continues eating, still stuffing his face. The servants just stare at Alek blankly.

Alek grabs the table cloth, yanking it off, the food falling to the floor.

The man looks at him, filling with rage. Except it stops and he goes to the ground, eating the food off the floor.

"Now that's just..." Alek shakes his head. "Sir, you drown yourself in food and drink, what bothers you to this point? What causes your Glutton?" Alek turns to the servants. "Take away half of the meal." He says, hoping they follow orders.

They obey and the man gobbles as much as he can, ignoring Alek.

"Hm..." Alek picks up a ham that was on the floor. He dangles it in front of the man. "Look here! I've got something for you!"

The man jolts up and grins, he tries to grab the ham desperately Alek pulls back, moving a few paces back. "Come get it!"

He crawls after Alek, still trying to get the meat "Take away the rest!" He says to the servants, the ham swinging in front of the man as Alek steps back.

The servants do as ordered and the man continues to scramble for the meat.

Alek holds up a hand. "Stop there or I eat it." He tells the man, bringing it close to his mouth.

The man shakes his head and grunts, burping a bit as be sits up "Give me meh foof."

"You'll get some," he reassures him. "But you have to do five sit ups."

"H-huh?!?" He growls but does as Alek and runs out of breath after the first one.

Alek takes off a piece, throwing it to him. "Now you have to do one more for your next piece."

He gobbles up the meat and pants. He begins begging and demanding food.

"You need to pace yourself." Alek looks around for something that could help him more.

Soon, the man runs out of food. "Huh...?" He begins searching for more, desperate.

Alek bites his cheek. "Karon would be a wonderful replacement in this one..."

It begins running at Alek.

Alek jolts. "S-sir!" He moves out of the way, completely unsure.

He tries to grab Alek, and he yanks on Alek's arm, bitting down on it hard and trying to tear away the flesh.

Alek cries out, using his shoulder to shove the man away once more. Alek moves away from the man, running to the empty tablecloth. He grabs a knife from the table. He holds a hand out to a servant. "Give me some meat, an apple, anything!"

The servant makes it appear in his hand and hands it to Alek blankly.

Alek throws up the slice of meat, throwing the knife after it and pinning it to the ceiling. "Look there! Food!"

Gluttony looks up and begins scrambling to the spot. He tries his hardest to get the meat, but fails terribly. Death appears beside Alek. "Well done. Next up: Pride. He's quite easy." He transports them.

(Gluttony: Wastes away in stuffing his empty heart with food for comfort.
How to beat Gluttony: Diet and limit.


A/N: Ugh. Gluttony.

The Monarch - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now