River of Bodies

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Death snaps and the rows row on their own. Inside the water there will be a glint of something inside.

Alek peers over the edge. "What's-"

"Bodies. A bunch of dead bodies." Death grins as a body comes into view. Alek jumps slightly, leaning away. "Oh my heavens... I'm actually dead and I'm in a river of bodies..." his eyes widen slightly.

"Aaannnndd there's the shock." Death chuckles "What? No scream? Crying? Begging? I guess you've done some begging and shouting..." he smiles and looks at the bodies "Yeah... these are the ones that realized it, and decided they didn't want to see the end of it. They jumped in, trying to swim back. But now they're stuck. Some try to come back in." As he speaks a hand grips to the boat, shaking it as if trying to get in.
"Ew." he grabs the hand and tosses it away "Nasty."

Alek yelps when it touched the boat. "Oh dear heavens!" He clears his throat, shocked at his reaction. "That never happened."

Death laughs and kicks back in the boat, his hands behind his head "I won't say anything..."

Alek runs his fingers through his hair, his eyebrows knot together in curiosity. "Nixxiom Ashtree. How did he get back?"

"Nixxiom! Oh do you know him?! He saved my butt! Did you know that? Oh yes he is wonderful. And sorry about that, but I can't tell you what happened with him. But he did get back the same way all Ashtrees do."

"That's no help." Alek sighs, keeping his posture, mostly to distance himself from the edge of the boat as if someone would pull him in. "I assume Maxim would be able to show me..."

"Pfft if he wants to. What makes you think you can get Maxims favor?" He looks into the water with a smile.

Alek bites his cheek. "I'll figure it out when I get there... I am typically good at reading people so I would hope I could read him..."

"Ha! Are you? Okay whatever you say." He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

Alek rolls his eyes. "How much longer?"

"Geez at least pretend you enjoy hanging out with me..." Death laughs a bit. "Don't worry... we're almost there..."

"I'm sure you're a great guy when I'm not thinking about how badly my people must be suffering." Alek sighs.

"Heh. They suffer whether you're there, or not."

"Reassuring." He says flatly. "I can tell why people love you so much."

He laughs "Its not my fault everyone hates me! It's just my job." He smiles and a shore comes into view.

Alek nods. "That's what they all say." He jokes.

Death chuckles and grins "Well. Mine is literal." He stands up as they reach the shore "Ah! Here we are!" Before them is a large door made from red stone. It is engraved with frightening designs, and Death walks to it with a wide smile "Come on. Let's go."

Alek takes a deep breath, his face stilling. He walks beside Death, ironically him being the only comforting thing in this strange new world.


A/N: Lol yeah a really short chappie. Sorry about that.

L/N: Awww Death is a good.

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