Chapter Sixteen - A Plan to Escape

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Chapter Sixteen//A Plan to Escape

"Nivens, have you got something sharp?" I asked.

"I always carry a pocket knife." He said, searching through his pocket. I smiled, watching him. After we escape we need to stop Alice. As I was thinking of a plan when suddenly the ground started to shake. Thump! Thump!

"Wait... Could those be....?" I stopped. Giants. "Nivens, could you search quickly, please."

".... I think I left it with the butterfly hairpin." I sighed in defeat. This can't be happening.

"N-Not now! T-There's giants coming our way!" This can't be the end of my story! N-Not now.

"But there's a broken glass from my mirror." He whined. My face turned upside down just by hearing that.

"Great!" I cheered. "Give it me!" Nivens is as he was told as I started using the broken glass to cut the rope.

The thumping sound came closer and closer as I got more nervous. At this rate, I'll... "N-No!" One of the Giant's echoing footsteps surprised me, causing me to drop it.

"What is it, Alice?" Nivens asked.

"I messed up..." I sighed, hugging myself. "I dropped the glass... Now we're all going to die and it's all my fault!"

"Kylie, calm down. I mean, we only just know these giants. Maybe they're nice." Nivens suggested, smiling a bit.

"If you say so..." I smiled back, waiting for the mysterious creatures to come. But then again, wasn't Jack trying to be eaten by Giants in Jack and the Beanstalk? I shivered, shaking my head. No. This is different.

"Oh, Billy. Look at what we have here?" One of the two giants started talking. "It's food!"

Never mind. These weren't nice guys.

"Food? What food?" The guy named Billy asked.

"Little beans!" The giant answered. "A pale one and a white one."

"I-I promise you, w-we aren't food!" I started talking.

"Frank, did that bean just talked?" Billy asked, surprised. So Frank and Billy...

"I think so? It's not in my cookbook.." Frank muttered.

"We really need your help! We're working on a plan to escape!" I continued talking. "A girl, around my height, trapped us. Have you seen her?"

"I've never seen such creatures called 'A Girl'" Billy scoffed. "I think they're lying." I sighed again. This isn't working...

"I'm being truthful! I'm a girl, a human girl." I explained.

"Ah, I see. You don't look human though." As I was about to talk, one voice stopped me.

"There's no point explaining to them. They're blind."

Pink Alice {Editing in Progress}Where stories live. Discover now