Chapter Two - The Rabbit and The Butterfly Pin

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Chapter Two//The Rabbit and The Butterfly Pin

"This is stupid. Fairytales aren't real." I started my mini-lecture on the existence of Fairytales as I went through the park. Rolling my eyes, I kicked a stone on my way.

Let's be realistic here. I mean, I'm 15 years old, not a 7-year-old princess in distress. I pulled the handle of my bag up more to stop it slipping.

"H-Hey!" I heard a voice. "Watch out!" A boy in roller skates came barging into me. I roughly fell to the ground as the boy looked down at me, in shock. "A-Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down. I nodded.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for asking." I smiled. He pulled me up and looked down.

"Sorry for what happened. I wasn't paying attention." Sighed, he put his head down. He then put his hand out. "I'm Toby."

"Kylie." I shake his hands. "Nice to meet you."

"Same with you." Toby retreated his hands and scratch the back of his head. "I have to go now. I'm meeting my friends. Excuse me."

"It's okay," I told him, nodding. He went off as I started walking again. After one more glance, I head off back home.

However, something was wrong. I went to check if it was still in my head but it wasn't. "W-What?! Where's my hairpin?" I asked myself, looking around. I walked back to the spot where I fell and investigated the area.

And this is when things went weird. Just then, I saw a white rabbit, holding what seems to be my pink butterfly pin. Is that even possible?

No... That's not possible! I shook my head as I told myself. The rabbit started hopping off as I looked at it in shock. "Wha-"

After getting my senses back, I hurried over to the rabbit. But surprisingly, the rabbit was too fast. "Hey, rabbit! Wait! Give me my pin back!" I yelled at it. But it kept on going.

After a while, he paused. Now, this is my chance.

Quickly, I leaping onto the floor and hold the rabbit. He kept trying to wiggle his way out, as if he was like butter. Eventually, he managed to slip out of my hands. I sighed in defeat and watched the rabbit go.

"W-Wait a minute." I looked closely at the rabbit. It was wearing a waistcoat. Strange? I rubbed my eyes to check if it was true. However, it wasn't there.

"I'm gonna look for it." I decided as I said to myself. I stood up, and started walking around until I felt like I was pulled to the ground. It took me a while to realise I fell down a hole.

Down... Down... Down I went. Falling... Falling... Falling. It felt like I'm going to fall forever! Great, Just great! I thought. I'll be spending my entire life in this damn hole.

I looked around the dark, deep hole. I must have been halfway through by now. "Stupid rabbit," I muttered. I glanced down at the endless tunnel.

Pink Alice {Editing in Progress}Where stories live. Discover now