Chapter Seven - Winter Wonderland

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Chapter Seven//Winter Wonderland

"Woah... This is amazing..." The moment I opened the door, what awaits me was the breezing, freezing cold, like being in a fridge. But after ignoring how cold it was, what also waits for me was the breathtaking, beautiful scenery, covered in ice and snow. It was peaceful place as I slowly started making my way inside.

Suddenly, the cool wind powerfully blew the door shut. I gasp in horror as I quickly tried to open it. "H-hey!" I said, banging on the door. "O-Open up!"

Just then, a sinister little giggle was heard from the other side of the door. That could only be her. "Well, Pinky doesn't listen, that's what I've learnt." She giggled again. "Didn't I tell you it was the other corridor?" So it wasn't a trick. I groaned as I banged my fist on the door again.

"I-I thought it was a joke." I shouted.

"Well guess what, Hun. The jokes on you. Doesn't it go Fool me twice, shame on me?" She laughed. "In case you were wondering, you have entered Winder Wonderland. Population two!" Two?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. God, wasn't she so mean.

"You're not alone in that room. In fact, a hungry bear is waiting for you, probably since you've waked him up." She explained. I slowly turned around to see a pile of snow moving up and down.

Only it wasn't snow. It was the creature. "Also, I forgot to feed it yesterday. I'm sure you'll make a great snack." She laughed. I knocked on the door hard again.

"A-Alice, get me out!" I begged.

"My, a minute ago, wasn't Pinky angry? If you want me to open the door, say the magic word." My teeth chattered as she kept talking. I was indeed freezing.

"A-Alice! No more games!" I shouted weakly.

"Just one word! 3 attempts!" She answered back. "What's the magic word?"

"Please?" I answered. She made a 'that's wrong' sound with her mouth.

"Pinky, I'm sure that you know the difference between manners and a magic word. Please is manners. Try again." She said. I was getting frustrated by every second she makes me wait.

Just then, bits of snow came landing on me. I froze in horror as the bear finally stood himself up.

"Alakazam!" I answered. I heard her sigh.

"This will get us nowhere..." She muttered. "Is Pinky that stupid... Kylie, that's wrong! One more time!"

"Think, Kylie, think!" Also was trying to think, I know hear a roar, and the bear made it's way to me, looking at me with his hungry eyes.

I've gotta hurry up! Or else I'll end up being his dinner! I swear there was ice starting to form on me.

"Snowball is going to eat you if you don't hurry up. I'm giving you 5 seconds." Her voice chirped in. By now, the bear had passed halfway, and is getting closer to me every second.

"Abracadabra?" I said, backing away from the bear. Snowball started picking up her pace as I squeezed my eyes shut. Although I didn't hear the voice, I did hear the noise of a heavy, rusty door opening.

"Here boy!" A big, metal bucket was suddenly thrown into the room as I felt myself being dragged out of the room.

"A-Alice!" I pouted, folding my arms and still holding the dress. "I-It's freezing!"

"Pinky, I'm trying to teach you a lesson." She smiled. "You're lucky it was me, but life doesn't always go as planned." She stood me up. "You're alive, that's what counts."

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