Chaper Four - Drink Me, Eat Me!

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Chapter Four//Drink Me, Eat Me!

"Drink Me." I read the label on the small orange bottle. I looked around to see if there's anyone around. "Well, I guess I'll drink it." I opened the bottle, which gave out a peachy scent. I tasted it, curiously, and paused.

"I am so stupid. Why didn't I read the back?" I facepalmed. Praying, I looked at the bottle to see if there was any caution or hazards or worse: poison. Luckily, it was a safe drink. Or potion. Or whatever you call it. "Next time, read the bottle so I don't half scare myself to death." I reminded myself.

I looked at the bottle again and shook it. "Only a little left. I might as well drink it-." I was cut off by the sudden shadow around me. Looking up, I saw a massive, giant foot above my tiny body. Collecting the second bottle, which was purple, I ran the other direction to safety. "A door!" Where the flower tree was, I saw a green, circular door. I ran towards it, but sadly it was too small.

"Great!" I sat down on the floor, upset. But, my body feels weird. I looked around to see the area growing bigger. Or am I shrinking? To check, I turned around and to my surprise, the door was the perfect size for me to fit. "Alright!" I sighed in relief as I quickly ran through the door and swung it right open. The door, strangely, was open. "Huh, that's weird." I muttered as I entered.

The view of the house was similar to the cottages you see in stories. The room that I was in had a matching blue and white rug on the wooden floor, and two evenly sized white couches either side. On each of the couch, there was a blue and white cushion resting like it was having a nap.

"If you ask me, this person has a great taste when it comes to decorating." I said walking around in one spot. I decided to explore the place so I entered another room, with wooden tables and chairs and white countertops. The seat also had a sleeping blue and white cushion. "This person must love blue and white so much..." On the table, I noticed a white box with the words 'Eat Me!'

"Drink me, eat me. What's next? Smell me?" I asked myself. Curious, I opened the box with a cake inside. Licking my lips, I went and had a piece of cake. It was yummy alright.

Then, a white rabbit came hopping in. "Oh gosh, I'm going to be really, really late." He said, as he turned towards me. "Good riddance! A Girl."

"Um... Hi?" I nervously waved. He just stared at me before getting his watch out.

"No time to lose!" He loses his interest in me as he started jumping towards another door.

"H-Hold on! I need something from you!" I shouted, getting ready to go after him.

"It's okay." I heard a gentle voice. I turned to see a blonde girl in blue dress with a white apron. She seems familiar... Then I realised who she was. She giggled as she looked at me. "My, am I really that well known?"

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