Nerds Need Love Too: Chapter 15

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As I walked downstairs, bacon and pancakes filled my nostrils. My stomach grumble before enterting the kitchen and sitting on the bar stool.

Looking up from the newspaper, they said "Good morning", and went back to reading the daily news. In front of them were the bacon, eggs, glass of orange juice and a plate- I'm guessing waiting for me.

After breakfast, I wash the dishes before my mom called me. 

"Did you meet any friends other then, Nick and his friends, and you know... the usual?" slowly looking at me.

"I met a new kid, his name is Adam!" I shrugged off. "Is he..cute?" she took off her apron and placed it on the table.

"Mom.." I looked in the corner of my eyes and saw my dad peeking at us, behind the newspaper.

"Well is he?" my mom said impatiently. I shrugged,"Uhh...yea..." 

"Well,  do you like -"

"This conversation is over.." I headed upstairs before pluging on the stero. 

I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top before placing my contacts in my eye. Taking a step back from the mirror- I notice how different I look without my glasses on. After beavering back and forth with my parents I finally got the keys to my mom's Range Rover.

 Knocking on the front door, Jessica's mom -Clarice opened the door. "Milly is that you?"

"Yes Mrs.Clarice's me." I gave her a big smile before giving her a hug. " Jessica, Jessica Milly's here" she said screaming.

"Wow, you look different without your glasses" tilting her head. she leaned against the door.

I shoved a milkshake in her face. "Shut up" before entering her house.

 "When we go back to school Tuesday, wear your contacts please". I looked at her weirdly, "Why?"

"I'm totally giving you a makeover" she said smiling, at me

 A/N: I changed the cast for 'Nerds Need Love Too' Check it out guys <3

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