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{Song for this chapter; My Favourite Thing - Tonight Alive}

• Emilia's pov •

The car ride there was nothing that I was expecting. I was expecting silence. Dead, awkward silence, but that's not what happened. Tony and I talked for ages. It was something that really made me over think this whole thing. This date was going to be perfect. Not only because I'm with Tony, but because we've basically both forgotten about what's happened in the last month. Well, maybe we haven't exactly forgotten, but we have decided to not speak of it.

"Did I mention you look absolutely breath-taking yet, Hal?" Tony asked, glancing my way right quick, then turning back to the road seconds later.

"Hmm," I hummed, rubbing my chin with my hand sarcastically. "Let me think about that." I stopped for a second, squinting my eyes. "Actually, yes. Twelve times already."

He grinned, shaking his head. "Well, good. Honestly, you deserve to be told many more times," he replied, taking his free hand in mine.

That's basically what went on for about an hour, until (finally, for Christ sakes) Tony slowed down and turned into some kind of parking lot. The thing was, the parking lot was empty, with only the sound of the trees whooshing in the wind all around us. I was confused, but decided to keep that emotion to myself.

He got out of the car, opening my door for me, and taking my hand in mine once again as we began to walk. We walked for a long time, chatting and laughing, until the sun began to set.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, my voice sounding tired. "And where are we going anyways?"

Tony turned to me, that same amazing smile on his face. "Almost," he answered casually. "Why? Your legs getting tired? Because I can carry you if you want."

I grinned, giggling a little. "Yeah. That'd be nice." And without another word, Tony lifted me up bridal style, still walking like I weighed nothing. I put my head into his chest, listening to his loud heartbeat through his thin dress shirt. I grinned into his chest, smelling him, too.

Something about the way things were at the time, made me think that something or someone was following us. But I pushed that aside, knowing it wasn't worth my time to be thinking about that. I had to focus on Tony and I. Nothing else. This was his night to let me know how much he still really cares.

Before I knew it, Tony set me down slowly, making sure I was stable on two feet. It was now just beginning to get really dark outside, the stars already shining bright. I could barely see what Tony had brought me to, but he took my hand in his yet again, leading me somewhere.


"Shh, Hal. You'll miss it."

"Miss what?" I asked, but it was about half a second before lights shone all around us, scaring me for a minute as I hugged Tony, my eyes squeezed tight together.

He chuckled, kissing my head. "It's all right, Halley. Open your eyes. It's almost as beautiful as you."

I obliged and opened my eyes, lifting my head from his chest and staring at all the lights that were shining down on a whole bunch of beautiful flowers, that glistened with sparkling water from the little pond all around it. I smiled huge, Tony leading me towards a bench just two steps away. We sat down in each other's arms.

"This is absolutely perfect, Tony," I said in awe, stilling smiling and staring at the beautiful scenery before us. "How did you find this?"

He pulled me in tighter to him, shrugging. "I just needed an escape for a day and this seemed like the perfect place, I guess."

I looked up at him, grinning. "Did I tell you how handsome you look today?" I asked, already knowing his answer.

"Why yes, Halley, you have. About twelve ti--"

I cut him off with a kiss, sitting up straighter, and pulling him towards me. A light flickered from somewhere around us, a clicking sound following with it. But we ignored it, not bothering to care. We had each other at that time. Well, each other and that stunning scenery. I made a note that day to keep that place written down somewhere where I'd always remember to look. Just to remind myself of this day. Because it was just that perfect.


The sound of soft snoring woke me up, my eyes going wide as I forgot where I was for a second. I looked over at the bedside table, staring at my phone that now had a huge crack in the screen.

Where the hell--, I thought, making a confused face. But then it all snapped into place.

Last night Tony and I went out on our date. Making it officially the best date ever. But, the problem was, my phone was still cracked from whenever I dropped it onto the pavement of the parking lot, where Tony hurried to get me into the car and back to our hotel room.

I grinned to myself as I turned to face him, his chest moving up and down with each deep breath he took. His lips were slightly parted, air escaping them quite loudly. I sighed and got up out of bed, slipping on Tony's shirt from last night and walking into the hotel's kitchen, fixing Tony and I some breakfast. I was about to turn on the stove, but mentally reminded myself that we're in a hotel room.

Huffing, I put on my dress and walked out the door, writing a note for Tony, explaining why I'm gone for a couple of minutes.

I rushed to the nearest store and walked inside, the smell of new apartment hitting my scent. It's weird how some stores smell like new apartments, but have been there for probably the longest time.

I quickly grabbed some milk, butter, eggs, and vegetables for breakfast, hoping that'd be enough for whatever my mind had planned. I smiled at the lady as she smiled right back.

"How are ya, darlin'?" she asked, typing some things on her register, and looking at my items. "Is that everything for today?"

"Great. And yes, it--" I stopped mid-sentence, a magazine catching my eye right quick. I didn't read what kind it was, but the caption. And then the picture.

'Tony Perry from Pierce The Veil's new girl?' it read, with a picture of Tony and I on the bench whenever I pulled him in for a kiss. And there were several more pictures of our date all around just that one specific picture.

I grabbed it right quick, smiling like the biggest idiot on this planet. "Actually, I'd like this, too," I said to lady, setting the magazine down on the counter, still grinning like an idiot.

She looked down at it and smiled at me. "Of course. That's ten-O-five, please." She had a knowing look on her face, waving goodbye to me as I went with all of my items in a bag around my wrist.

I couldn't wait to get back to this hotel and show Tony what had happened. For some reason, I wasn't mad. I was happy because this was so ironic.

First, it started out with him cheating on me and I found out by a magazine. Now, people know we're something official because of a magazine. I kind of liked how it turned out, honestly. Sure, I had my privacy invaded and I'm sure I'll regret that picture later in life, but instead of Tony kissing some meaning-less girl, it was me. The girl he's thought of for years and had wanted since he first lied eyes on her. It was me, Halley Emilia Newton, on a magazine cover with someone who I know for fact I'll know for the rest of my life.

For the second time, I had a magazine lying in my hands, memorizing every single detail of it. But this time, the second time, I wasn't angry and I wasn't furious. I was happy. Happy that I actually had someone who I know will stick by me thick and thin. Not who I thought I couldn't trust, like the first time. It was different. In a good way. And I liked it. I liked every single thing about it.

Author's Note;

is this the end of us guys?? omg but the epilogue though i got this dont worry

tell me what you thinkkk and we can chat about what tony and emilia were up to okay bye

peace ilu


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