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{Song for this chapter; Still Into You - Paramore}

• Emilia's pov •

"Ya know," Mom said, starting her beige suv that still looked and smelled new. "I think Craig missed you more than me, to be honest. He was always wondering around the house looking lonely, and without a partner to play his video games." She started to pull out of the airport parking lot and onto the road.

I smiled, thinking about Craig and how much he missed me. "Aw, that's sweet," I said, watching as a black suv that looked similar to Mom's was pulling out of the parking lot, too. "I think I know what I'll be doing when I get back home."

Mom looked over at me for a quick second, then turned back to the road. "And what's that, honey?"

Smiling, I started to fiddle with my hands that lied in my lap. "I think I'm gonna play some video games with Craig." He was always more than just a step-father to me. He was the person I always vented to when I had a lot on my mind, and I repaid him by playing video games with him. And not to mention, kicking his fifty-year-old butt at Call of Duty.

I opened the door to the old house that had so many memories in it. From me when I was five and wanted to explore the woods out back, to when I was sixteen and had my first kiss on that very couch that was still in the same, old living room. It all looked the same. Except for the flooring. That was the only difference. Mom and Craig must have replaced the marble floor to hard wood while I was in New York for a year. It didn't surprise me, actually. It looked quite odd in the living room and kitchen with marble floors. It didn't match anything.

"Well, Halley," Mom said, my carry on still hanging loosely on her shoulder. "Want to see your room? We re-designed it and everything." She smiled, removing a stray piece of her orange hair with specs of grey away from her eye. She's where I got my natural hair from. It use to be actually like hers, until I dyed it.

I nodded. "Sure," I said. "And Mom would you mind calling me by my middle name now? I kinda like it better than Halley." I smiled back, pretending it wasn't really because of Tony.

She smiled, again, nodding. "Of course, Emilia." But I could see in her eye that she knew something was up. Maybe I should have just let her call me Halley. It's only a couple of weeks anyways.

I followed my mother's lead through the hall way that I've walked down too many times to count. She stopped at a door that looked quite different from the rest. I didn't remember it being that dark of a wood colour, either. Mom opened the door, slowly, turning around to watch my facial expression.

It looked. . .breath taking. Just beautiful. The bed was set in the middle of the room against the back wall, with a sky blue comforter on top of it. About ten white and baby blue coloured pillows were on top, all fluffed to perfection. There was a light brown, long dresser to the right of the bed, sitting against the left side of the room. On the floor was a white and fluffy carpet, and the walls were a sky blue, just like the comforter. On the left side of the bed was a closet, not small but not too big. To my right was a bathroom. It wasn't a big bathroom, but it wasn't small, either. It had a shower, a sink with a mirror over head, a towel holder, and a toilet.

"It's so beautiful," I breathed out lightly, setting my suitcase on the ground and pulling my mom into a hug. "Thank you, Mom."

I could feel her smiling into my shoulder, a genuine smile on her face. "I'm just glad you're back, Em."


I turned a corner, my character's gun still in their hand. I could hear my enemy's guns still going off, bombs being blown up all over the place. "Shoot, shoot! That guy right there, Emilia!" Craig shouted, staring intently at the tv screen where all focus was on my character. I started to shoot my gun, shooting the guy - that Craig pointed out - square in the face and winning the round.

We highfived each other, cheering with joy. I handed the controller to Craig, still happy about winning that round. "Your turn, buddy," I said, standing up to get a soda pop. "Want anything to drink?" I asked, halfway to the kitchen.

He turned away from the game for a second. "Coke, please," he said.

I nodded, walking over the new hard wood floor to the kitchen. Mom was there, sitting on a stool, leaning over the counter, reading Vogue. There was a glass of wine sitting beside her right arm. She looked up from her reading to smile at me. "Having fun?"

Reaching into the fridge for two Coke's, I said, "tons." And I really was. I remember spending my weekends just playing video games by myself, until I got Craig hooked onto them, too. After that, I could never play a game alone. Not that I was complaining, though. His company was soothing.

She laughed, taking a sip of her wine. "What're your plans tomorrow?" Mom asked, setting her glass back down.

I shrugged, setting the Cokes down on the counter. "I was actually just thinking about going to North Wood Park in an hour, but I don't have any plans for tomorrow," I said. "Why?"

"Well," she said, "I was thinking, maybe, we could go around town and I could show you a couple of places? A lot has changed up there." I picked up the Cokes again.

"Yeah, I guess so. Can't wait!" I shouted, walking back into the living room to see how Craig is doing at the game.

• Tony's pov •

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, nervously. A girl was in front of me, just waiting for a reply. She asked me if I wanted to go to grab coffee later and I really don't know if I want to. I mean, yeah, she's pretty and all, but Halley will always be prettier. Always.

"I'm sorry I was actually on my way somewheres, but maybe another time?" I smiled, pretending I was actually going to go out with her another time, but I'd just make up another excuse, like always.

She walked away, a sad look on her face. "Man," Jaime said, him and the boys coming back over to me. "Way to ruin a pretty lady's day." Mike slapped me on the back, a way to agree with Jaime.

Vic nodded. "I agree. You could've just said yes," Vic said, not seeing why I couldn't go out with her.

They just didn't get it, and they never would. Well, they would understand if I actually told them about Halley and what happened in the past. Only Jaime knew because he was the only one I knew when that girl at the bar jumped all over me. I came to his house with tears of anger in my eyes. He's the reason why I'm in Pierce The Veil today. If it weren't for him, I'd be absolutely nowhere.

I sighed, realizing I've just been standing there without a reply. "Yeah, I guess I could've said yes," I said, settling on just agreeing and hoping that they'd forget about this.

Jaime came up to me, smiling. "There'll be other girls, Tone. Stop thinking about her," he whispered near my ear, not wanting the guys to hear.

I nodded. "I'm going for a walk," I said quietly, clutching my knuckles together inside my pockets. Right now we were outside of a restaurant that was too fancy for my liking. I just couldn't wait to get out of here.

As I was walking away, Mike yelled, "okay! See ya tomorrow night, Tony!"

I continued walking for a long time until a familiar sign came into site. 'North Wood Park,' it read.

Author's Note;

Okay, you can officially hate me now. But I swear the next chapter will be when Tony and Emilia actually see each other again.

I feel like I'm teasing you and I'm so sorry, but I promise I'm not even trying to.

Your feedback would be nice, though c;

love you chickas


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