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{Song for this chapter; Hell Above - Pierce The Veil}

• Emilia's pov •

I gripped the steering wheel in anger. He kissed me. He fucking kissed me. Why didn't I listen to Mandy? Why didn't I stop him? Why? Why? Why? The thing is, I allowed him to kiss me. I let him take control. Which means it was partly my fault. This sucks.

The worst part is, I think I actually enjoyed it. For once in my life I felt all my worries just wash away. Tony always had that effect on me. Even worst, I have to face my angry parents. You know, the ones I was suppose to pick up thirty minutes ago.

I pulled up in front of the building, seeing my mom and Craig standing outside, leaning against a couple of poles. Rolling down my window, Mom ran towards her SUV in a hurry. She looked behind her as Craig stayed put by the pole. Her face didn't look angry like mine probably did. "Did you use protection?" she asked, a serious expression on her face.

I threw my head back, laughing sarcastically. "You're funny," I replied angrily, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Now get in the car. You, too, Craig!"

She rolled her eyes also as I put up the window again. They both got in the car, Mom in the front seat and Craig in the back. I put the car in drive and drove out of the building's parking lot. "Mind telling us why you're late?" Craig asked quietly, annoyance also in his tone. Mom tensed up, knowing a fight is about to come. When Craig and I are both angry or annoyed, arguments happen. Big arguments.

"I was hanging out with a couple of my old friends and lost track of time." I turned a corner, passing Jaime's apartment building, biting my lip, holding all my anger back.

He grunted, sitting back a bit more in his seat. "Of course you were," he said. I could practically hear him roll his eyes.

"Seriously, what's your problem? I'm 25 years old and I'm responsible enough to keep myself safe." I paused, feeling a lump form in my throat. Is he honestly doing this to me right now? I have enough on my plate as it is. "I honestly don't need your help anymore. But thank you, Craig. Thank you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, if you're so responsible, why did you come back here? Did you need help? Help from your mommy?" I gripped the steering wheel even more now, my nails digging into the fabric that was sewed onto it.

"Craig," Mom warned, giving him the dirtiest look. She turned to look at me, reading my emotion. It wasn't anger anymore. It was sadness. Pure sadness.

I kept my eyes on the road, not speaking at all. It actually amazed me that he thought about me like that. To think that he actually cared. But really, he was a fake. And he'll never be anything to me ever again. He'll never be anything close to my father. My father cared about me. And if he wasn't gone, I'd probably be happier than I am right now. Way happier.

"If you feel that way, why don't I just leave then. Would that make you feel better?" I asked weakly, feeling my body go weaker by the second. "Maybe I shouldn't have even come in the first place."

"Honey," my mom said, her mother-like-tone on. She gripped onto my shoulder, trying to calm me down. "You really don't need to, Em."

"No." I shook my head, lifting my hand from the steering wheel to wipe a stray tear away. "I really do." She removed my hand from my shoulder, Craig staying quiet.

For the rest of the drive, everything was dead quiet. Well, except for the rumbling of the engine and the occasional beep of a horn. The bright lights from passing cars would light up my swollen eyes and face. Mom had her head leaning against her window, Craig still completely silent.

I jumped out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Running into the house, I threw the car keys - literally - into the kitchen, a sob escaping my mouth. The house was still silent as Mom and Craig were still in the car. It made me wonder what they were doing. Or what they were talking about.

I got a piece of paper and a pen out of my drawer, writing down my plans for tomorrow. It was simple. I was going to show Tony who I really am. I know I told Jaime I would't do it, but I have to. I'm leaving tomorrow whether Jaime - or anybody - likes it or not. I can't live in a house, or even a town, when I'm clearly not wanted. It's just not right.

My phone lit up as I was stuffing a pair of underwear in one of my suitcases. I threw my suitcase aside, picking up my phone off of my bed.

'Hey!' Jaime's text read. 'I've been thinking and I'm sorry about what I said. I realized it was mean and I wasn't thinking about you, I was thinking about Tony. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in his shoes, though. Wouldn't it be tough to see the one person you care about most run away again?'

I groaned, chucking my phone back onto my soft comforter. Is Craig hating me not enough? Do I really need more guilt to pile onto me? I hate this. All I need and want is Mandy. I want her to comfort me and tell me everything will be alright. I want her to whisper soothing words into my ear and be the best friend I need. Now I really wish I hadn't come here.

Beginning to start packing my suitcase again, I got an idea. The greatest idea I've ever had in a while. I set the suitcase down again, smirking like a doofus.

• Tony's pov •

I watched the tv as the weather forecast called for rain, rain, and more rain. The weather outside my window right now, was perfect. It was 10pm and all the city lights were just shining. It was hard to believe it was going to rain in just a little bit and carry on for two more days.

Shutting the tv off, I stood up, dusting off my Key Street pants and walking into my kitchen. I was alone in my own apartment and I loved it. I got all the pots and pans out and began cooking some stir fry.

My house phone started to ring as I was stirring around the vegetables in the pan. I picked it up with one hand, stuffing it between my shoulder and my head. "Hello?" I asked, trying to concentrate on my food.

"Heyo, Tone!" Jaime yelled. I winced, feeling a headache coming on.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly, rolling my eyes at his loudness.

He laughed on the other end. "How do you know I want something? Maybe I just want to talk."

It was my turn to laugh. "Because you would've texted me instead. Now, tell me. What is it?"

He sighed as I flipped over a couple pieces of broccoli. It took three minutes for him to start talking again. "Emilia is ly--"

I looked over at my phone that was lying on the counter and saw Emilia's picture light up, her smile full and true. "I'll have to call you back man, Emilia's calling on my cell. Talk to you later." I hung up, not letting Jaime answer.

Picking up my phone, I pressed answer, setting it beside me ear. "Hello?"

"Uh, Tony, we really need to talk," Emilia answered, her voice a little uneven.

"Sure. What is it?" I was a little nervous, it felt just like a break up scene in movies.

She sighed, another voice yelling in the background. "I think we need to do it in person. How about North Wood Park tomorrow? I'm kinda busy right now."

"Sure," I said slowly, not fully understanding this yet.

There was shuffling and the sound of a door closing as I stopped stirring and put some soy sauce in it. "I'll text you the time later. Have a good night."

How can I when you've just told me that? I thought.

"Yeah, okay. Talk to you later." I hung up my phone, setting it on the counter again. I began mixing the sauce into the vegetables, my thoughts all about Emilia.

Author's Note;

yayaya an update yo

tell me what you thinkkk

and btw i fixed the first part of the story where tony was on the magazine bc it made no sense. check it out to understand it again [•: ((it's the prologue, literally the first paragraph))

ily bayee


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