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{Song for this chapter; Good To You - Marianas Trench ft. Jessica Lee}

• Emilia's pov •

Once I unpacked my clothes and got into a comfy, decent pair of clothing, I walked into the living room where everyone was sitting. The only people who were missing were Craig and Mom. Apparently, they went to go get groceries. But there was chatter amongst them all. The only words I made out were, plan, Tony, and asshole. I put the pieces together quite quickly.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, sitting down on the couch beside Mike.

They all stopped talking and turned to me. "Well, we're going to let you go search the park--"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could do someplace else," I interrupted Jaime quietly. I honestly did not want to go to the park and look for Tony. I know one hundred and ten percent that he's there. And to think that I'd have to have an awkward conversation about going back, makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Vic nodded along with Mandy and the rest of the guys. "And since you know this area, is there any fast food restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, or anything like that?" Whenever Vic mentioned coffee shop, I smiled, nodding.

"There's no fast food restaurants in walking distance. But there is a hotel just by a coffee shop, a couple of blocks from the park," I said, mentally smiling like crazy. I wanted more than anything to have a coffee inside that coffee shop again.

They all sent me a quick smile. "Thank you, Emilia," Vic thanked. "Okay, so, Mandy and I will search North Wood Park. Emilia, you go to the coffee shop. And Mike and Jaime, you two go to the hotel. Scope everything out and don't give up. This is Tony we're talking about here."

"Are we driving or walking?" Mandy asked, thinking the same question as me.

"How about we drive for a little until we park somewhere and all get out?" Mike offered, smiling at his own plan.

Vic got up off of the couch, grinning at Mike. He patted his back and said, "You're a genius, Mike. I'm proud to call you my brother."

Mandy, the guys, and I all headed outside and packed into the rental car without another word. We were going to find Tony. Even if it's the last thing we do.


It was peaceful as I walked along the sidewalk. It was quiet. Well, besides the birds that chirped and the people who were also walking on the sidewalk. There wasn't much traffic, making this walk a whole lot better.

I was excited to have a coffee at the coffee shop just a couple of minutes away from where I was. The thought of a scolding hot liquid going down my throat made me even more excited. Another great thing is that I won't have to look around for Tony. I already know he wouldn't be there. But, it wouldn't hurt to look out at the people who are walking by. Maybe he might be one. You never know with him. I just hope he's okay, though.

As soon as I saw the sign on top of a small, little building, I hurried my pace. A smile started to creep onto my face as soon as I put my hand on the handle of the door. It was cold from under my touch.

Whenever I walked in, all I could hear was hushed whispers and people sipping their drinks cautiously. There were tables everywhere, but not one that was free. I mentally shrugged and went up to the counter where there was no line.

The cashier smiled as me and pushed a strand of her long hair behind her ear. "Hello there. What can I get you today?"

"Uh, can I get a coffee with cream and sugar, please?"

"Of course. Coming right up," she said, smiling once more. Then she typed something onto the cash register and walked away.

I took some change out of my sweater's pocket and set it on the counter. A little bit of a tip there, too. She came back with my coffee in her hand, setting it down onto the counter. She then took the change and put it into the register. Her hand was held out to me with my change, but I shook my head. "You keep it."

She smiled, nodding. "Thank you. Have a nice day."

I picked up my coffee and smiled, turning around. I sighed and walked over to a table where there was only one person. Their back was facing me as they picked up their coffee slowly. "May I sit here?" I asked quietly, hoping I didn't scare them.

They turned their head around a little, staring at me. It took me a minute to put it together, but as soon as he blinked his eyes four times, I knew it was him. He was staring at me like I was crazy and had fifteen eyes. "What are you doing here?" His voice didn't sound the same. It sounded wore out completely distracted. Something was off with him. And I was quite interested to find out about it.

"Let's talk, okay?" I asked, feeling my coffee start to shake a little in my hand. "Just you and I."

• Jaime's pov •

"I'm sorry, Sir, but we can not share any information with you. Now leave, or we will have security take you out," the receptionist ordered, pointing his finger towards the automatic doors to his right. "Now."

"Listen here, Sir. We are no--" Mike pulled me away, knowing I'd flip. Well, I mean, who wouldn't? One of my best friends is missing and we have no idea where he is. "You asshat! Let me go!"

Mike kept on pulling me until we were out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk yet again. "They're not going to give us the information that we need, Hime. Bite your damn tongue and let it go." He let go of me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Think about it. Tony wouldn't come all this way just to stay in a hotel all day. He's got to be somewhere else," he said, making a good point.

I sighed heavily, nodding. "I guess you're right."

"Okay, great. We're in agreement. Now all we have to do is think about where else he would be." Mike took his hands off of my shoulders and looked around him. I copied him and looked around, too.

I saw the coffee shop where Emilia probably is. It made me wonder if he was in there or not. "Hey, Mike," I said, turning back around to him. "Do you think Emilia found Tony?"

"Nah," he replied, shaking his head no. "I think Mandy and Vic found him at the park."

I nodded, but something told me they didn't. They probably would've called to tell us. "Then how about we go grab a coffee with Emilia? I mean, Mandy and Vic are probably talking Tony into going back to New York so we can finish the shows. Until they get back, wanna go?"

Mike smiled at me and nodded. "Wouldn't hurt, would it?" I smiled back at him and we walked off towards the coffee shop, not having a clue what was inside.

Author's Note;

this is short i know, but im working on the next chapter rn dont kill me

not to warn you, but there is only a couple chapters left, then the epilogue ((im srry if its a stupid ending bc i suck at endings man))

ilu and have a good night//day depends on where you live but yeah bye


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