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{Song for this chapter; Congratulations - Sleeping With Sirens ft. Matty Mullins}

• Emilia's pov •

I sat up, yawning and stretching my arms. Turning my head to see my dresser, I saw my book just lying there, the dent showing a little. I still couldn't believe Mom and Dad did the same thing as me and Tony are doing now. It scared me a little, but I didn't let it show. Mom would be sad if I brought it up again, and worried if I came outside of my bedroom with a sad look on my face.

A nice hot shower would be nice, actually. At least I'd know I wouldn't have to go to work right after. I stood up off of my bed, wiggling my toes. I walked into my bathroom, starting the shower and shutting the door behind me.

When I got out, I could hear muffled voices from Craig and Mom in the kitchen. They must be up, too. I put my hair in a towel, slipping on some sweat pants and a white tank top. I walked out of my bedroom, a smile on my face. It wasn't fake. My mom can see right through my fake smiles.

"Morning," I said quietly, walking into the kitchen, kissing my mom on the cheek. I slapped Craig on the back lightly, reaching into the fridge for some milk. "What's for breakfast? Eggs?"

Mom nodded as she flipped a hard egg, putting some pepper and salt on top of it. "Special eggs for a special daughter," she said, shaking her head at her own words.

"Correction, I am your only daughter," I interjected, holding up my pointer finger. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet, pouring the milk into it. Putting the milk back, I leaned my back against the counter, watching Craig making English muffins by the toaster.

"Anyways," she said. "Got any plans tonight?"

I shook my head. "No. Why?"

Mom turned to look at me, a smile on her face. "Well, Craig and I have got a party to attend, but you're welcome to come if you like," she said softly.

"I don't really know. Maybe. I'd have no one to really talk to. It'd just be people your age." I felt like they were leaving me on purpose. Maybe I shouldn't have come home. They seem really busy and they've got friends. I shouldn't be here bothering them, holding them back from going to parties.

Craig turned around to look at me. "Just know that you're welcome to come if you like, Em." I took a sip from my milk, nodding.

When we finished breakfast, I went back to my room. I sure wasn't going to that party. I'd be the only young one there. I'd be alone. What's the fun in that?

I looked at my bedside table, my phone flashing with a notification. I walked over towards it, smiling. It's probably a message from Mandy or Karla. Oh god I miss them.

'Morning beautiful! (: Miss you,' from Mandy.

'It's lonely here :( Come home, punk,' from Karla.

But one specific message left thousands of questions in my head. 'Hey, I need to ask you something,' from. . .Tony?

• Tony's pov •

As soon as I sent it, I read it to Jaime, realizing it sounded even stupider out loud. Right now, me and Jaime are sitting in his living room, waiting for the boys to get here. We--I'm going to tell them about Emilia and, maybe, Halley.

"It doesn't sound that stupid. Don't be hard on yourself," Jaime said, sitting beside me on his couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, because you know everything," I replied quietly, setting my phone on the couch then, standing and walking towards the kitchen. "Maybe I shouldn't have texted--"

"She replied!" he shouted, a huge grin on his face.

I turned around from heading to the kitchen and ran towards my phone, picking it up and examining the text. 'Sure. What is it?'

"She wants to know what the question is," I said aloud. "What do I say?!"

"Uhh." Jaime started staring in front of him, biting his bottom lip in thought. He turned to me, his pearly white teeth shining. "Ask her if she'd like to meet the band? You have told her about us, right?"

I nodded slowly, narrowing my eyes and thinking about yesterday. "Yeah, I know I did," I said, staring at my phone's keyboard, my fingers hovering over it.

Jaime glared at me. "So, type it!" he urged loudly, trying to get me to type what he said.

'Do you want to meet my band tonight?' was all I had typed when I looked up at Jaime. It looked plain and stupid. I can't send this.

"It sounds fucking stupid." I groaned, closing my eyes in anger. "What else am I suppose to--"

He took the phone out of my hands, the brightness from my phone lighting up his face. He typed a lot, but all I heard was my spellcheck correct the word 'band.' At least I knew he was typing the right subject. I heard the send sound go off as Jaime handed me my phone back. "You're welcome," he said, a satisfied look on his face.

'Look, my band really wants to meet you. Wanna come over tonight? It'll be fun. Promise. (:'

I slapped Jaime in the shoulder hard. "You're an idiot! That sounds like something you'd say! Not me!" I exclaimed, throwing my head back and groaning loudly. "I'm screwed. She's gonna say no, and then what's gonna happen? She'll disappear like Halley."

Jaime sighed, putting his arm over my shoulder. "C'mon, Tone. Don't be like that," he said softly. "How can she say no to a good lookin' guy like you?"

Laughing, I locked my phone, realizing it's her decision. Not mine. She'll reply when she wants. But really, my future depends on her answer. If she says no, who knows what will happen. She might never talk to me again. But if she says yes, I'll be the happiest person in town.

There was a bang on the front door that made Jaime remove his arm from around my shoulder, and charge towards it. "The party's here!" Vic and Mike walked into Jaime's apartment, Jaime shutting the door behind them.

I set my phone on the other side of me. Mike and Vic both gave me a weird look as they say down on the other side of the coffee table on the love seat. "What's going on?" Vic asked Jaime and I, a worried look on his face. "Why is it so quiet and awkward in here?"

Jaime walked back into the living room and sat beside me. "Tony has some news for you," he said, smirking my way. "Go ahead, Tone. Tell 'em." He set his feet on top of the wood coffee table again, enjoying all of this.

I glared at Jaime, turning back to a worried Vic and Mike. "Well, basically six years ago I met a girl," I said slowly, playing with my sweaty hands. "Her name was Halley--"

Jaime lifted up my phone, a shocked expression on his face. I stopped to look at him. He turned the screen towards me and my jaw dropped. Holy shit.

Author's Note;

well, this was fun. sorry for the wait though omg it was literally 39748 days

feedback, please? it'd mean a lot to know your opinion on this chapter. or every chapter c;

ilu baye


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