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{Song for this chapter; Bones Exposed - Of Mice & Men}

• Emilia's pov •

"And here we are." Mandy opened the door to my new bedroom, allowing me to walk in first.

Just a couple of hours ago I was let out of the hospital. Counting while I was asleep, I was in that damn place for two weeks. Vic, Mike, Jaime, and Tony all convinced the doctors to let me out early, saying I was more than ready to leave. So, Mandy went to Kayla and I's apartment and got me some clothes to walk out of that hell hole in.

Tony and the guys went back to the tour life, now that they don't have me on their backs twenty-four seven. I felt bad about delaying the concerts here in New York. I could just imagine how unhappy the fans were. I mean, if I was in there place, I'd be pretty unhappy, too.

Me and Tony haven't spoken since the last time I told him I needed him in my life. He only hugged me goodbye, not a word leaving his lips. Although, he did kiss my cheek. It made me blush like crazy, but it was worth it.

Mandy has not left my sight since I woke up. Even whenever I went to the bathroom, she'd wait outside the door with me, knocking every now and then to see if I'm okay. It was starting to get slightly annoying, but I was letting it happen. I didn't want to lose my best friend just because of a stupid clingy problem. The thing is, I know she's only keeping me under a close eye because she's scared it might happen again.

But right now, I'm at Mandy's apartment, the one I'll be living in for a while now. It looked to be quite a cozy place, besides the grumpy neighbours, Anne and Garther McDonald, that Mandy told me about. Apparently, if they hear a single bang after seven o'clock, they come banging on our door, telling us they're trying to sleep. I bet they're really nice people, unless you mess with their sleep. Kind of like Karla.

I looked around my new bedroom, smiling. It was a simple bedroom with a bed in the middle of the room, set against the wall, just one dresser, and a closet to the right of the bed. It wasn't too big and that's what I liked the best about it. Small bedrooms give me the cozy kind of feeling for some reason.

Turning to Mandy, I hugged her for the fifth time today. "Thank you," I whispered, grinning. "This means a lot."

She rolled her eyes at me once I pulled away. "Em, that's the tenth time today you've said that. Is everything alright?" Mandy walked away, sitting down on the L shaped couch she had in her living room. She turned on the tv, some kind of VJ talking about the latest gossip showing up. "And I'm sorry about sticking you with the night shift tonight."

I sat beside her, my smile disappearing. "Actually, that's the twentieth time you've asked me that. Of course I'm fine, Mand. I have you," I said, propping my feet up on her coffee table, sighing. "And, uh, yeah. It's okay. Don't worry about it. You'll be there with me, anyways." I mentally punched myself in the face for forgetting about having to go to work tonight. I finally get out of the hospital, yet I still have to work. Life sucks.

As I was watching the tv, I could see her smile from beside me, then get up, walking towards the kitchen. "That means a lot, Emilia, but--" she stopped for a moment, pouring herself some coffee into a mug she got from the cabinet in front of her. "--You know I'm only worried, right? I really don't want this to happen again. I've never--shit." Mandy started to mutter a lot of curse words as she wiped up her coffee she spilled.

I waited for her to sit back down until I asked, "You've never what?"

She looked back at me, coffee mug in hand, and a hand towel in the other. "I've never cried that much over somebody," Mandy said, smiling down at her coffee as she turned back to watch tv with me. I nodded slowly, turning back to the tv as well.

It was odd to have someone I've known for only two years care so much for me. But at the same time, it felt good to know someone cares. If only Tony could care that much for me. I know he half does, but won't even admit it to himself. It doesn't matter anyways, he might never talk to me again.

• Tony's pov •

I stared at the wall in front of me, not even paying attention to what was on the tv. It was pitch black in Mike and I's hotel room, leaving only the tv flashing in my face. All the boys were out at a bar with our tour buddies, leaving me all alone. I didn't mind, actually. I like being alone with my thoughts, but not for too long. Sometimes my thoughts go a little too far.

Continuing to stare at the wall, I heard my phone vibrate the other side of the couch. I looked over at it and saw it was Jaime. Sighing, I reached for it, unlocking my phone.

'Pick uos up arund 2,' it read. I rolled my eyes at how drunk Jaime must really be. I'm glad he reminded me. I actually forgot. That's part of the reason why I'm sitting here, doing nothing.

The other reason is because I'm scared. My phone could ring any second and it could be Vic, saying Halley's hurt again. I don't want to go another week without sleep. But mostly, I do want to hold her hand, and rub her soft, bright hair again. And I really want to hug and kiss her cheek again. I just don't want to admit it to her or to me. That's the worst part.

If I could just walk to Pauli's Guitar Shop one more time and hug her again. Or at least talk to her. But the only problem is, she probably hates me now. I did it again. I stopped talking to her, just like the park situation. I don't blame her, though. If a person stopped talking to me because I told them I needed them in my life, I think I'd be pretty mad, too.

I was only in shock. And when I'm in shock, I tend not to talk. I need to apologize to Halley and make sure everything is okay between us. Even though it is my fault she might be mad at me, I don't want to feel guilty anymore. I really need to fix this. And quick, before I start to lose my mind.

Standing up off of the uncomfortable hotel couch, I picked up my phone, just in case. I grabbed Vic's car keys off of the counter and headed out the hotel door, locking it behind me. I couldn't wait for the elevator, so I ran down the stairs in a rush. Once I reached the car, I started it, driving out of the hotel parking lot.

What if she's not even there? I asked myself silently. I'll just have to ask Mandy where she's living, then.

I tried to push that thought away as I was on my way to Pauli's Guitar Shop. I started to practice what I was going to say to Halley. It had to be simple, short, but sweet.

"Hey, Halley, I, uh, need you in my life, too."

"Uh, how's it going? Yeah, I think I--no."

"Halley, I just--fuck!" I banged my hand on the steering wheel of Vic's car, making the horn beep.

Looks like I'm gonna have to wing it, I thought.

Author's Note;

holla brothas and sistas, how you doin mates

it was short and i know, dont kill me

comment and tell me what you think, bc im writing the next chapter nowww

ilu peace yo


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