Harry *Requested*

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Request for McKenna :))

Hope you like it :) took me 3 hours to do tehehe.

***WARNING--- this is PRETTY and I repeat PRETTY detailed. If your ovaries cannot take to much attention then I ADVISE YOU NOT TO READ***

Like always my little horny directioners



I sigh as I walk into dance class. 'Great another day of wearing yoga shorts and a tank top'. I love dance class don't get me wrong but I hate the fact that I have to wear clothing that shows my skin. Sure I can wear leggings but it's gonna make me hot and I'm not really gonna be able to stretch correctly as I can when I wear yoga shorts. My boyfriend Harry says I'm perfect, but I just don't believe it. I've ALWAYS been insecure about my body since I was younger I don't know why I must woke up and boom insecurities happened to me.

"Ahh McKenna glad you came. Thought you weren't coming" Elizabeth the dance instructor said as I walked in.

"Yeah sorry I woke up late" I sighed not really in the mood to face anyone.

"That's fine you came just in time" Elizabeth said. "Okay guys since everybody is here, why don't you guys stretch."

"Hey McKenna" Haley my best friends waved.

"Heyy Haley" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" She asked with worried eyes.

"Nothing just don't feel well that's all" I replied as we sat across from each other and stretched.

Even though Haley is my best friend I still don't really open up to her with personal things. I mostly tell my boyfriend since we've been together longer than I've know Haley.

After we stretched we started learning a new dance for the song 'Talk Dirty To Me' by Jason Derulo.

It was a fun dance to learn to be honest but it still didn't make me feel better.

~ 3 hours of dancing later.

"Bye McKenna" Haley Stephanie Bridget and Sam said in unison and waved.

"Bye guys" I waved back

As I waited for my boyfriend Harry to come pick me up I stand in front of the dance building thinking. Thinking about my body. I hate everything about it.

' I'm ugly ' is all that kept going in my mind. ' why does Harry even stay with me? I'm nothing but a ugly piece of shit. Why does he call me beautiful or perfect? When I'm not? Why does he love me when I don't even love my self? Does he really love me like the way he says he does? Of course he doesn't. '' Of course he does stupid if he didn't than why would be with you." I whispered to my self arguing with my inner conscience.

"McKenna" I hear Harry yell my name.

I look up and see him come out of the car. He walks over to my side of the car and open up the door for me.

"I was calling your name a little over 7 times babe" Harry said after kissing my cheek.

"Oh sorry I was zoned out" I apologized before Harry closes the door like he always does, he's such a gentlemen.

Harry enters the car and starts the engine. "Is everything okay babe." Harry asked with concerned filled with his eyes.

" it's nothing" I mumbled to him.

"You sure?" Harry asks.

"Mmhm" I hummed.

We drive home in a comfortable silence. Harry put his hand on my thigh and squeezed tightly. I looked up at him, an he was looking at me.

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