Chapter 14

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That night, I slept and all my exhaustness and tiredness, that had kept with me through that eventful day, slept with me too. But, before I drifted into my soundless sleep, I replayed the events that happened that day.

It all seemed too far now, like a dream hidden away in the far corner of my brain, as if it didn't even happen at all. The car-chasing, the strange, but comforting tickle fight, the tears that fell from hearing Finn's history, the way Finn had suddenly seem so cold and unlike himself as he told me his awful past, and even the hand holding, all seemed so far in the distance, so far that I couldn't reach it.

After, that little confession blowout, we tried, and failed to locate any reception on our phone. Until, finally we heard the spluttering engine of the first car on the road. Never, would I have thought that, the sound of a rundown engine and squeaky tires, would be music to my ears, but at that very moment it was. We eagerly hurried down to our hero in the car, relieved to see another human after hours of only looking at one other. The poor old man, who fortunately knew his way to the hotel, drove us along, as he spoke some french words to us, as our only reply was to nod our heads, too tired to explain that we only spoke english.

It was all blurred after that, We both parted ways, as Finn returned back to his own room and I left for mine.

When I groggily stumbled into my room, or my shared room with Ruby, tiredness was almost at the point of overcoming my body.

Yet, I was startled to see Ruby, throughly sleeping, on her bed, as if she never left at all.

I was too tired to even get angry at her for leaving me to chase after her all this time, when she was already back home, sleeping like a little baby in it's cocoon.

However, I still told myself there would be a lot of unanswered questions waiting for her, the minute she woke up. But, right then and there all I wanted to do was crawl into bed, and secure myself in the comfort of my warm blanket.


"Aw, baby, I promise I will."

"Of course, anything for you."

"Ha, you're too cute."

"Awww, thanks, you're so sweet!"

For the past three hours, I had been stuffing my head, face-first, into my pillow, trying to block out the lovey dovey crap, my sister has been cooing over the phone, so early in the morning. It was already 12 in the morning, but yesterday's tiredness still lingered in my body.

Couldn't a girl just have one, just one, restful night of sleep, where she doesn't have to endure the horrible pain of listening to her sister amorously talk to her new boyfriend. Whom, she only has met after being in Paris for 2 days. Ruby sure does take the whole city of love thing seriously.

I covered both my ears again, emphasizing my heavy sigh as loud as I could, to let Ruby know that her continuously cute little giggles at very second, weren't very cute to me. More like annoying little breaths of laughter, that had kept me up most of the night.

Finally, the never ending torture of my sister's true love ended, when my father thundered into our room, scaring not only Ruby and me, but most probably her boyfriend on the other line.

Like the skilled and clever person, Ruby was, she wasted no time in cancelling her endless phone call, stashing the phone under her pillow and lying back down on her bed, while tugging the blanket over her face. And, before you knew it, she was hidden under the soft while material, disguising herself as being asleep the whole time.

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