Chapter 6

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"So, I heard that you think I'm hot.", Finn whispered to me, as we entered the second set of stairs, of the Eiffel Tower. I was in the process of trying to take out my camera from my bursting, over the shoulder bag, and the impetuous, sudden voice scared me to death and nearly sent me flying down the stairs.

"AHHHHH", I screeched, as I tried to grasp the railing of the stairs, not ever wanting to let go for the fear of falling to death, but my clumsiness got the better of me just as I felt my hands miss the railing. So, I did what any other person would in this kind of situation, I held on to whatever or in this case whoever, was closet to me.

"Uh, Emerald, I know you want me and all but you're kind of choking me.", Finn croaked out in a rasping tone, as my face burned red as I released my gripping hands interlocked at the back of his neck. I was practically strangling him, using his body like a life buoy, as I was this close to falling down to my doom.

Why is it that whenever Finn's around, I always, somehow find a way to make a fool out of myself, THIS ISN'T LIKE ME!

I had to get away from him, so I proceeded on following Cammy and Mom, who were intrigued with the structure of the stairs, already on the third floor.

"Why do you even bother taking pictures of these stuff anyway?", Finn questioned, and at the word picture, I turned around to find the devil himself, flipping through the pictures on my beloved camera, which I unknowingly dropped and forgot.

"Do you always go through other's personal belongings?", I hissed through my teeth, already annoyed by his presence, as I snatched back my camera to the safety of my bag.

"You didn't answer my question.", He noted, with absolute amusement on his face at my flaming face, knowing that he was the reason behind it. As I gave him a ugly look, I saw a instant look of genuine curiosity in his face, as if he actually wanted to know why I took pictures, like he was even interested in this kind of stuff, which I know for a fact, he isn't.

I would have been better off not even bothering to answer his retarded question, like who even asks someone that. Yet, I felt compelled to reply to his question, like the confiding person I was or perhaps I just wanted to hear what clever line he would say next.

"Why do you care?", I snarled in an attempt to sound imperious.

"Why do you keep answering my questions with questions?", He asked back, smirking, obviously enjoying my anger towards him.

"Why are you such a..", I tried to think of some clever snappy comeback, but like last time, my mind went completely black, as if the simple presence of Finn stopped my thoughts.

"A what? A incredibly handsome man?, Finn laughed that same boyish childlike laughter again, and for some reason, I caught myself staring at those deep green eyes of his. They sparkled and gleamed in the light as he laughed but, fortunately, before I could get even more hypothesized by his looks, a question came into my mind.

"Where's Ruby?", I asked and added, "You too seemed inseparable like, 5 minutes ago."

"She died." He replied back nonchalantly, walking around me, to get to the third set of stairs, accidentally whacking me in the face by this visibly over packed, bulky knapsack.

"Um, excuse me?!" I yelled, as I forcefully grabbed his ugly bag from behind, spinning him around to face me.

"How dare you talk of my sister like that! No matter how irritating she can be! And, Don't you ever, ever smack me again with your backpack!" I stammered, shoving him every time I made a point. I couldn't even take it anymore, my anger just had to get out somehow! If only, he knew how annoying and vexating he could be, with his calm collected voice and his easygoing attitude as though nothing in the world could bother him. What kind of person was he!?

"Happy June Fool's Day.", He smiled brightly again, showing off his perfectly whitened straight teeth.

"Whoa, Whoa, Ms. feisty pants, calm down." He retorted, when he saw me try to shove him again, anger rising out of me once more.

"It's ok, Emerald, everything's fine, all you have to do is ignore him and your done!," I tried quietly pep talking myself, as I began walking up the third steps, slowly breathing in and out, a breathing excerise my teacher taught me.

I could hear Mom and Cammy discussing on where to go next and which restaurants served the best food.

My mind began to clear out, and soon enough I was able to think without having the thought of killing someone.

As my feet landed on the last step, I felt something rolling underneath my feet, and after that, everything happened in a quick flash. I lost control of my body, my feet became unbalanced and my arms flailed as I tumbled down the stairs.

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