Chapter 21: Please Don't

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      When we reached the house I got out and slammed the car door. I walked into the house and into Jack's room. Why you wonder, because im going to piss him off by breaking his stuff until he gives up trying to figure me out. Jack walked in behind me and sat on the bed as I walked over to the TV that hung on the wall. "Guess no starting small" I said pulling the whole thing down and letting it crash into the floor. "THANA WHAT THE HELL" Jack yelled but I just shrugged. "Are you gonna leave it alone" I asked him. "No" was all he said "your choice" I walked over to his trophy's and threw them one by one into the wall.

      I walked over to a box and picked it up. "Thana put that down" Jax voice said. It was pretty so I wasn't going to break it but he didn't know that. I made one appear in my other hand and I smirked at him. "Which one is it" he tilted his head trying to figure out what I was playing at. "What's the point of this shit Thana" I didn't answer right away but I guess I had too. "Pick the real one and you can ask me whatever but if you don't then you drop this crap" I stood there waiting for him to do something.

      Jackson sighed and walked over to me. He looked closely at the boxes and picked the one on my right up. He put it down and picked up the other "its neither" he said putting it down. I tilted my head and dropped the fake one letting the glass shatter. "I guess it was" I said shrugging. I felt Jack slide his hand in my pocket and pull out the box. "Very creative" he said placing it on the dresser "sit down." I rolled my eyes and stood there "or what" he sighed and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down Jackson" he walked out of the room and headed towards the stairs. "JACKSON ZANDER CLYDE I SWEAR IF YOU DONT PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW IM GOING TO SHOOT YOUR ASS" he inhaled deeply and continued to walk.

      When he stopped I didn't know where we were because we were under the pack house. Only when I felt Jack's heart speed up did I know where we were. "Jackson don't take me in there" I said lowly. He took out a key and put it in the lock "Jack please" I tried to get out of his grip but he only tightened it. He turned the knob and opened the door "JACKSON PLEASE DONT TAKE ME IN THERE" I yelled feeling the tears fall down my eyes. He pulled me into the room and I froze in fear. "Why'd you bring me here" I whispered "because I had no other choice" I shot my head toward him.

      "We all have a choice Jackson and this was not a good one" I tried to run out of the room but he pulled me back. "You Think This Is Easy For Me, Well Its           Not" he said loudly. "Jackson let me out" I didn't have enough strength to fight. He shut the door "JACKSON LET ME OUT" I fell to the ground and cried. "Thana get up" I shook my head "get up Claire" how could he bring me here? He's done some pretty crazy shit but this was just the most fucked up thing to ever do to someone. Jack lifted me off the floor and I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. "Jack please let me out" I cant handle this. "I can't" he answer "Can't or won't" why me is all I want to know.

      "If this is what it takes to get you to talk to me then so be it" he said putting me on my feet. "Why here Jackson" I asked him. "We both need to tell each other things" he started. "I don't want us to be together knowing we're keeping secrets from each other" I sat on the step and put my head down. "This is her room Jackson" I told him "I know" was his response. "No you don't know" I looked up to see him staring at me. "I had to watch both my parents die, be tortured for 15 years and six months, find out that my grandfather wants me dead and my future children are cursed, and you want me to talk about that in here" I wanted to but I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "Your not alone in this Thana" he said walking over to me and holding out his hand. "If you take my hand then you agree to tell me everything and I will do the same" I tilted my head. "And if I don't take your hand" I didn't say it in a rude way just asked a question. "If you don't then there will be no us to talk about" I froze slightly.

"Aiden what do I do" I asked my wolf

*maybe its time you let us both in* she replied in a almost angry voice buy not completely

"Aiden I don't want to put anyone in danger" I said in a worried and scared tone

*he's not just anyone, he is our mate and its his choice* she had a point but this was something that I never wanted to ever speak of

"I don't know if I can do this" I told her

*Just breathe and take his hand* I took a deep breath and came back to reality

      Taking a deep breath I reached out my hand and grabbed Jack's. "Do we have to stay in here" I asked and he nodded. "She's you mother, I feel like im invading her space" he pulled me towards the bed and sat me down. "This isn't about how we feel about being in here its about how much we trust each other" I looked down. "Fine" here goes nothing.

I was going to make this chapter way shorter than what it is but I got stuck in the moment.

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Until next time⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

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