Chapter 31: Sorry im bleeding on your floor

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      "Stop wincing so much" well my bad for being stabbed in the leg. "This hurts man" he was stitching up the gash on my leg with me sitting on the tub. "How did this happen, and why were you in the woods to began with" I don't know how long I was gone but at least it wasn't long enough for him to forget who I was. "It's all kind of fuzzy to be honest. I remember running home to finding my parents and then I remember yelling at someone telling them I didn't kill my parents. After that everything gets jumbled and hazy. But I know I woke up with a tube down my throat and needles in my arms. I was in some shady ass hospital strapped down with them trying to inject me with something. Kevin this man tried to kill me."
      Mentioning me killing three people didn't seem like it would do me any favors. "What happened after I went looking for my parents?" He looked down "the police showed up and asked you questions. You stayed locked up in that house until people stopped trying to get you out. After a while the police showed back up looking for you but you were gone." So I found both my parents dead then I got kidnapped, great. "Do you think they'll let me come back to school" he looked at me confused. "Do you not remember graduating" shaking my head I winced as he finished stitching up the wound. "How long has it been" Kevin grabbed a washcloth soaked in alcohol and lightly dapped at my leg. "SHIT BRO" it burned like hell "it's been almost a year" woah I missed an entire year.
      "I keep getting these flashes. Of people that I don't know or remember anyway." I saw a girl with green eyes, I remember this guy smiling and none of it made sense. "It's probably from whatever they injected you with" looking up at him "why do you believe me?" He went along with everything I was telling him like he expected it "is there a reason I shouldn't" shaking my head I took a deep breath. "No but anyone else would think I was seeing things or just crazy" he nodded and stood up to rinse out the rag. "I mean you got kidnapped when we were younger so I'm not super shocked at what you're telling me. When the police found you and asked what happened you told them someone set you on fire in some house." I couldn't pin my mind to a specific memory of that happening.
      "You should shower, I'll leave you some of my clothes until we can get your own." Kevin walked out of the bathroom to get clothes and I turned on the shower water. *Thana can you hear me* I heard a voice in my head *Thana please tell me you can here me* the voice sounded sad but I wasn't going to entertain a voice in my head. "I'll leave the clothes here" he looked at me softly and grabbed my hands. "You're safe, you're with me now" his voice held a warmth to it that I was more than happy to hear. Walking out of the bathroom he shut the door and left me to myself.
      The shower was definitely something I needed. The smell and feeling of so much blood on me was making me uncomfortable. When I was done in the shower I put the hospital stuff into a bucket of bleach to get the blood off. "You feeling better" my body felt drained as I walked over towards the couch he was sitting on. "I feel less dirty but I don't feel better, there are holes in my memories and I swear I saw something when I was in those woods." There was this emptiness in my chest as if something was torn right from it. "I should call Angel and make sure he knows you're safe, all of them have been worried." Flashes of my siblings flashed through my head but one stood out in particular. "Did we ever go on a vacation somewhere? Like all of us including you, maybe to a cabin or something?" He shook his head making me let out a shaky breath. "What do I do now Kev, I have nothing?" Scoffing he threw his phone at me. "You were supposed to start college next week but no one could get ahold of you." But wouldn't they just give my spot to someone else? As if reading my mind he looked at me "Angel made sure you kept your spot hoping you would come back before it started." Made sense, he always looked out for me. "What about you" a light smile tugged at his lips "You didn't think I'd leave my favorite girl to fend for herself in college did you?" He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his body around me. Ruffling my hair he bit my ear and chuckled "ouch bro that hurts." I remember when we were little I used to have the biggest crush on him until Grace claimed him as hers. He didn't like her anyways but eventually he became my best friend.
     "If you didn't have that huge ass gash on your leg I would have done a lot more than bite your ear." His eyebrows wiggled suggestively and I mushed his face away. "I told you, you're not my type" Kevin rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket over us. "That's because no one is your type, you reject everyone who shows even an ounce of interest in you." I guess I just haven't found the right one yet. "Do you think we have people meant for us? Like someone we were born to meet?" He pondered over the question before burying his head in my neck. "I know there's no such thing as destiny and we make our own. Maybe you just need the right person to walk up to you and tell you that you won't be getting away from them. Or that you're theirs forever." My mind flashed to the light brown eyes of someone, couldn't make out their face but I could tell it was a guy.
     "You May be right but at the same time I think destiny has a way of making itself happen." Destiny was something I always found myself thinking over. Nothing in my eyes was definite but I still felt like life always had a way of bringing us back to the moment that would change us for the better or for the worse. "Get some sleep Thana, we're going shopping for you tomorrow." It took time for me to finally feel tired but I was glad it came. "Sweet dreams Thana" I didn't know who's voice said that but I know it wasn't Kevin's. But before I could think about it my mind drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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