Chaptet 33: Planes

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      "Well you look, different" I could see him judging me as he drove towards the airport. "I like it so you'll have to deal with it" Kevin huffed and picked up the speed on his driving. "You see it too don't you" the car behind us has been following us for the last 5 minutes. "Pull over" he shook his head "what the hell is wrong with you Thana?" Picking up his phone I looked into the camera to see I looked like a totally different person with the makeup I had on. "I'll be fine just do it" huffing he slowed the car down to a stop as the car approached us on the side.
      The man from earlier put on a fake smile and stared at us "would you happen to know where I can find a gas station around here?" I smiled at him changing my voice to a more high pitched one. "turn down the road ahead of us and in about two miles there should be one there." Kevin places his hand over mines "oh I'm so sorry to bother such a young couple." The thought of me and Kevin being a thing had me rolling my eye in my head. "Don't worry we're always glad to help." Kevin's voice came off hard with a threatening tone to it "babe talk with more kindness, I'm so sorry he has a few anger issues." The man shook his head and smiled "don't worry about it, I understand he cares a lot about you."
      Turning to Kevin I kissed his cheek "we've know each other for a few years, best years of my life." My head was spinning and I felt like my skin was burning. "I'm sorry sir but I have to get her to the hospital out of town. It's the only place we can check to see how far along in her pregnancy she is." Great now I'm pregnant by him 'what's next we already have two kids?' "Oh my apologies for keeping you." I could see he truly believed that "have a good day" his car sped off. "Really pregnant" shrugging he took off again "it worked didn't it?"
      As we got to the airport he handed me my passport "why do you even have this?" He always ended up with my things. "Just take it and let's go" I couldn't even began to explain why we had so many suitcases when they asked. "We have a lot of gifts for family" the girl nodded and let us pass while she took our things to the storage department on the plane. "You've gotten better at this lying thing since I last saw you" he was such a bad liar. A part of me was proud he'd gotten better. "Well I learned from the best." Pretty much.
    "We should go take our seats" we boarded the plane and watched as everyone else got on. "Are you sure you're ready to see them" of course not. I wasn't ready to go back to school either. But when I thought about that it was clear I didn't really have a choice. "I need to push past this Kev and live my life, it's what my parents would have wanted." When I first woke up all that was felt was this weird darkness. The violent shaking of the doctors and the rush of adrenaline I got when I was fighting. All of it made me feel exited and I didn't know how to feel about it. The more my mind thought about it the more confused it became.
      And then there is this name that keeps popping up in my head. 'Aria' it's been playing in my head since last night and it was driving me mad. "I guess you're right" I don't know who this Aria girl is or how I knew her but I wish I could just figure it out. "Plus if you want me to get a man so bad then I should be around new people." He's been trying to set me up with people for as long as I can remember. "You are absolutely right" everyone finished boarding the plane and the door shut. "Plane will be taking off in 5 minutes" my body was literally burning. "Shit" it was pain all over and my eyes were clouded over with tears. "You okay" looking over at him I smiled "just great" I was cold and hot. Everything around me was spinning "bro are you dying because your sibling will kill me if you die." Wow no concern for me "yes I'm dying and I'm dragging you down with me." He pulled out some Advil "this will help" thanking him I popped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them down with water.
     Feeling the plane take off my head was hidden in Kevin's chest. "You want to hear a story?" "Long ago there was a princess. She was heir to the werewolf throne" he started. "One day she was walking in the woods when she found a wolf lying there bleeding out, she tried everything she could to wake the wolf but had no luck. Since nothing was working she thought of only one thing to give him" I wouldn't tell that to my kid but okay. "What was it" wow it was already dark how long have we been here "her blood" he said. "No I want to sleep" these random flashes were starting to mess with me. It's as if I was witnessing someone else's life play out right in front of me. "Then sleep Claire" his arms wrapped around me and I groaned "you're clingy" he knew I liked it though. I hate affection but he just gave the best hugs "shut up and sleep."

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