Chapter 35: Bed Time Stories

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    "Whe-" before I could even finish my statement I noticed the ground was no longer ground. "What the hell is this" my body spun around looking around the large room I was now filled in. "Kevin.......KEVIN" he was no where in the room. I looked down at my clothes to see me in a red and black dress with silk black gloves. Shaking my head I felt the dangling earrings. "Where the hell am I" looking at the interior of the place and the way everyone was dressed not to mention the music, this was the 1920s no doubt. But that's impossible, time travel isn't a thing. You don't just get off of a plane in the 21st century and end up back in the 1920s before your own parents were even a thought. But nothing else seems to make sense lately anyway.
"I need a drink" there isn't anything I can really do right now with all of the staring eyes. I noticed just how strongly people were staring at me before it finally hit me. 'Great I'm a woman of color, forgot how thing were back then' or do I say now? "What would the beautiful lady like this fine evening?" The bartender smiled with sparkles in his eyes. "How about whiskey" stuff was strong from what I've heard, time to see just how strong. "Coming right up" I stared at the pearl bracelet on my wrist and noticed the rubies on the edges. "Strange" the bartender handed my drink and stared at the bracelet himself "what is ma'am?" I sighed and bit the inside of my cheek. "My older sister gave me a ring with the same colored rubies but it appears to be gone now. And instead I'm left with this bracelet." Images of a golden necklace with a red ruby star flashed through my head bringing the ever lasting headache I had on the plane.
      I sat there staring at my bracelet for a while until a glass was slid in front of me snatching all of my attention. "I didn't order anything sir" the bartender smiled at me and pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards a man sitting with his back turned on the other side of the bar. Something about his figure seemed familiar. It was like I knew him but I didn't. My body found itself ignoring my thoughts and walked over towards the man with the drink in hand. I sat next to him and downed the drink cringing at how strong it was. "Wow that's strong" he chuckled next to me. "I see you still can't handle your alcohol" I turned towards him confused. "Excuse me but do you happen to know me" when he turned towards me I couldn't help the tiny gasp that left my lips. "Wow you are very attractive" tipping his head down he lowered his glasses smirking. "I've been told" cocky much "do I at least get a name from the guy giving me free drinks?"
      He stared at me with glossed over eyes. Like he had cried before "depends, do you plan on giving one back?" He felt familiar. Not as in someone I met a few times but someone I knew very well. "I'm Thana" holding my hand out I shivered when he took my hand. "Thana, such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman." He lifted my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the silk covered skin. "Call me Jack" my head tilted as a conversation popped up in my head.

      "Wake up we gotta go" I said but Jack decided to not listen "alright I'll just go see if Kevin's up maybe he could give me a ride, maybe a kiss too" Jack's head popped up and pulled me down. "I'll rip his head off if he even thinks about touching you" he said burring his head in my neck. "Aw Jacky bear that would've earned you a kiss if you were dressed" I said getting up. "If I get dress will you kiss me" I pretended to think about it "maybe."

      I have no clue what here that conversation came from. Or rather who it came from. "I see you're back with Kevin. Although not exactly how I expected it to happen it happened none the less." The man stared at me smirking. "Tell me Thana, how long will it take for you to figure things out this time? Or will you keep yourself trapped here blinded from the truth a little longer?" I went to speak but before I could he kissed me. Now his kiss felt right, it felt perfect. But that terrified me since I had no clue who this man was. "Do I still taste the same" strangely I found my self nodding causing him to laugh. "Well your body remembers me at least" none of the memories I had flying through my head were making sense. None expect for something about a castle and someone drowning.
     "For the fact that I'm curious and have no idea why I'm here I'll play along. Say you know me, how well do you know me?" Tilting his head back and forth he spun his drink around in its glass. "I'd say pretty well. However my way of knowing you is quite different from your version." Great the man was speaking in riddles. "How about we start of simple? Maybe that'll finally shake that brain of yours into place." I placed my hand on the bridge of my nose softly rubbing the growing pain away. "Would you like to finally finish the story?" Looking in his eyes all I could see was pain. Not an injury kind of pain but emotional pain. Emotional pain that he never recovered from.
     "I have no clue what story you're talking about" flicking my head lightly he huffed "I guess you're still asleep. I'm taking about the story of the princess and the wolf." He sat there with a bored expression written on his face. He didn't seem like he wanted to tell me. But I however was suddenly interested in hearing what he had to say. "Sure why not. I don't exactly have anything else to do" Jack stood up and held out his hand. "How about we take a walk then?" I took his hand slightly enjoying the warmth I felt from his grip. He lead my through the crowd and we ended up on the streets of New York. The only thing weird is that everything was silent. Cars were still moving. People were still bustling around. But all I could hear was his breathing. "If you don't mind we should jump right into it. I don't have much time." He pulled me into him and held me close to his body which I welcomed eagerly with how cold it was out here. My mind was spinning with so many questions. Like why am I walking away with a random guy I've just met? Or why do I feel so comfortable with him? His arm was firmly over my shoulder and the other was in his pocket. Going to speak I was once again cut off by his own words.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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